![]() Swim
Comments: Overall ranks for each leg include relays. I felt like I swam well. I was a little slow getting into a rhythm, but after a while I was passing plenty of orange caps (the 30-34 AG in front of me). I felt like I sighted and breathed well and gave a good kick down the final stretch. What would you do differently?: Train more, obviously. Looking at my training logs for the year, my swim training has been far, far behind my running and biking. I think that after 5 years of training, it's time for me to start posting swim times in the 25-27 minute range. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: OUCH!!!!! Couldn't get the wetsuit off getting out of the water. Couldn't get it off running on the beach. Couldn't get it off at my transition. I actually had to go find a volunteer and ask her to help get the zipper unstuck. This cost me at least 3 minutes in T1. Everything else went fine. What would you do differently?: I don't know what more I could have done. This is akin to a flat tire on the bike. Nothing you could be prepared for, and time that was sunk due to equipment failure. ![]() Bike
Comments: I usually think of biking as my strength, and it definitely is during training, but it doesn't seem to bear out on race day. I think I need to practice training at higher intensities on the bike. I seem to get my HR dialed in at about 140-145 and I have a hard time pushing harder than that. I know I could have ridden harder on the bike. I'm always thinking that I don't want to wear myself out before the run. But considering my run performance, I need to get that out of my head. That is especially true this year, and possibly in the future, with my HIM training. I have the endurance to run 13.1 miles off a 56 mile bike, so I should have the confidence to push hard on the bike and trust my training for the run at this distance. What would you do differently?: GO HARDER. I need to block out thoughts of bonking on the run when I've done the training I've done. For comparison, I was under 1:09 at the 40K mark during the Pigman 2 weeks earlier. There was no reason that my bike split here should be 2 minutes slower. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: I didn't get my feet out of my shoes before dismounting because the transition area was pretty muddy, and I didn't want to run in muddy socks. I don't think that slows me down very much anyway. What would you do differently?: Nothing, I thought this went pretty well. ![]() Run
Comments: I was very pleased with my run. This was the only split that was faster than my goal pace (7:30/mile). I started out at 7:30ish pace (which included about 10 seconds it fix my chip that was stuck under my sock. After getting into the groove, I felt pretty good, so I decided to push the pace a bit more. The rest of the way I was around 7:20 pace, except for mile 6 at 7:07 and the last 0.2 at 1:21. So yes, this was a negative split 10K - 23:02/22:23. This was a good run, but just reinforcement to the above comment about needing to ride the bike harder. What would you do differently?: Nothing. I was very happy with this run time. ![]() Post race
Warm down: Got some food and drinks, found Tyler and Doug and talked about our races. Doug went to find his family, and after a few minutes, Tyler and I went to check out results. We never did hook up with Doug again, but I suppose he met his family, and they were ready to go. What limited your ability to perform faster: T1, first and foremost. Secondly, my poor swim training is becoming a glaring weakness. Third, my lack of confidence for the run kept me from pushing harder on the bike. Event comments: I love the HyVee Triathlon. It was the first race I ever did, so it will always be special. The organization of the race is top-notch, and the volunteers are outstanding. Despite the T1 catastrophe, I did set a PR, and would have been probably 3 minutes faster without it. After having fully recovered from my OCD/microfracture 2 years ago, I am faster now than before my injury, which makes me happy. I think I can still get faster, though. I think 2:25 is within reach for next year. Last updated: 2011-09-05 12:00 AM
United States
5150 Triathlon Series
75F / 24C
Overall Rank = 161/993
Age Group = M35-39
Age Group Rank = 28/99
I woke up at 3:45 and headed downtown at about 4. I ate 2 power bars, 1 clif bar, and drank some gatorade and a Diet Coke. I got to Water Works Park at 4:25 and waited in my car for about 15 minutes because it was still 2 hours until transitions closed. I brought all my stuff (except wetsuit) to the transition and began setting up. I thought I would check to see what the water temp was just in case it was going to be wetsuit legal. 75.4! I couldn't believe it - the temp was 83 just 2 days earlier. I ran back to my car to get my phone and call Doug and/or Tyler in case they hadn't left yet or didn't bring their wetsuit. Doug was good to go, but Tyler hadn't brought his. So I took his backpack (and my wetsuit) to the transition while he drove home quick to get his wetsuit. Doug and I helped get his transition set up (and change his flat tire). I visited the restroom a total of 3 times. We were all good to go well in advance of transition closing.
Running back to my car for my wetsuit was essentially my warmup!