Howlin' Half - Triathlon1/2 Ironman

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Jackson, Missouri
United States
50sF / 0C
Total Time = 4h 32m 15s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

When thunder woke me up in the middle of the night I knew today was going to be a rough day. It rained all night and the forecast called for continued rain all day. The temps were in the 50s and if there's any good news it was that the wind was very low. I ate a bagel and mini-Clif Bar and had some Hammer Perpetuem while driving and setting up transition.

Once at the site, it was clear the race was going to be delayed. By how much, we didn't know. There was enough thunder and lightning that lots of racers simply didn't show. We were at the mercy of the weather and after one 30 minute delay knew that another was coming. By 845a the lightning wasn't letting up and reluctantly they cancelled the swim. Several more racers bailed at this point after deciding a long brick wasn't what they wanted.

I was a little disappointed at the news since this was going to be my first half iron race. But, I didn't come here for nothing. So I headed to transition to get my bike.

The race would now be a time trial bike start and at this point less than half the registered field remained. After stripping the wetsuit the warmth was gone and the shivering started. We were soaked to the bone and thinking warm thoughts while waiting in line to start.
Event warmup:

  • 00m
  • 2112 yards
  • / 100 yards
Transition 1
  • 00m
  • 2h 44m 59s
  • 56 miles
  • 20.37 mile/hr

I was very cold at the start and was also very nervous about this ride. I haven't been on the bike in the cold and rain much and wasn't sure how easy it would be to ride. I had a gel before starting and hoped for the best.

During the first 3 miles or so I thought we were all crazy for actually doing this but after a while the nerves settled. I took the first lap slowly and was very cautious at turns and big downhills. I would come out of aero for those to make sure I had complete control of the bike and access to the brakes. I had a few scares but was generally ok. The hill they nicknamed the Beast was short but very steep. It was about a 150 foot climb over in about .2 miles. I passed a guy on it the first time and was starting to actually enjoy the ride.

Quick rewind to before the race: with the combination of nerves and delays prior to the start I was drinking a lot of water/Nuun. Fast forward to 10 miles in on the bike and I had to go to the bathroom...bad. I didn't want to stop so I planned on waiting until T2 which wasn't easy. This made the ride pretty uncomfortable at times.

The 2nd loop was better since I knew what to expect. My HR was in Z2, sometimes Z3, but not spiking much. The rain hadn't let up one bit and my fingers were starting to go numb. The jacket I chose to wear (and was actually a last minute addition while packing) kept me warm but didn't keep me dry. It held a little warmth but not much else. When I hit the Beast the 2nd time I was a little slower but still made it up nonetheless. I exchanged one empty bottle of water/Nuun for a Gatorade at the top of the hill but didn't need it. I drank the other water/Nuun before T2 and that was all I needed.

There were a few more hills to contend with before T2 and actually an annoying one right at the end of the course. I opted not to dismount barefooted b/c of the road conditions. I didn't want to risk it.

Also, quick shout out to the volunteers who will never read this. THANK YOU! They were tough SOBs sticking around when even over half the racers bailed.
Transition 2
  • 02m 25s

I knew my hands weren't moving fast and T2 was going to suck. I ditched the jacket right away since it was going to be easier to move around with out it. I also knew I was going to warm up quickly on the run (which I did). But I couldn't work the zipper and eventually just pulled it off like a t-shirt.

I had major issues getting my running socks on, too. One was crooked but, oh well. I fumbled with the small flat kit I had in my jersey pocket. By this point all I could think about was getting to the bathroom.

The good news here was that I had put all my stuff (socks and shoes included) in a small tupperware bin with a lid that clasped shut. This way I had nice dry socks and shoes for the run.
What would you do differently?:

Race on a warm, dry day.
  • 1h 44m 49s
  • 12.8 miles
  • 08m 11s  min/mile

Not a bad run at all, all things considered. The bathroom was right outside transition and only cost me about 2 min. It was worth it, though. Starting the run I felt great but probably started too fast. The first 2 miles were just under 8:00/mile. The third was @ 8:06 and my HR was in Z2 so I was right on track HR wise. The pace was actually faster than I thought it would be for Z2 but I was going to stick with it. I had a few Shot Bloks and was feeling good.

The next 3 miles ticked away at 8:01, :21 and :33. I was getting slower and my HR was getting higher. I was still in Z2 but it was going up fast and we hadn't even hit the hills yet.

I knew the big hill was going to be rough and my legs were starting to feel stiff. By now we started going up hill a little more and I could see a racer who got ahead of me during my bathroom break. I slammed a gel and some water/Nuun and kept moving. Mile 9 was the big hill and it was rougher on foot than it was on the bike. Miles 7, 8 and 9 went by at 8:44, 8:54 and 9:14 and my HR was in mid to high Z3 but spiking higher. Surprisingly I was in a good place mentally. Mary had ben driving the course all day and stopping ahead of me to cheer me on and it really helped (thanks, wife!).

After climbing the big hill there were lots of rollers all the way in, which was good news. The downhills really helped my quads get a rest and I was able to pick the pace up quite a bit. By mile 11 I was closing in on the guy in front of me and starting to have some fun. Miles 10, 11 and 12 were @ 8:11, 7:52 and 8:05 and my HR was in Z4 or higher. The end was near (for both me and the race).

This was it and all I had left. Since the race director said the run was actually 12.8 I knew I was close but my Garmin clocked it at 12.5. The run up the hill and into the chute was great. The race organizers did a fantastic job despite the crappy weather. The music was going and the announcer was calling names and only sort of butchered mine as I finished. But I didn't care. It was a tough, tough day and regardless of times I was glad gutted it out.
What would you do differently?:

I can't complain. Given the weather this was a great run even if it came a little short of 13.1.
Post race
Warm down:

Dried off (sort of) and ate some pizza under a tent. I managed 3rd in my AG and 9th OA. The field was small but they were fast. I was very impressed.

Even if my first attempt at a half iron distance race was sabatoged by weather this was still a day to remember. Actually, it will be hard to forget because of the weather. Of the 100 or so registered just 23 finished. Now, on to the next race...

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Uhh, the weather.

Event comments:

Despite the weather the organizers and volunteers did a great job sticking to the plan. They really kept it together and were able to pull off a good race even though Mother Nature had different plans.

Last updated: 2011-10-02 12:00 AM
00:00:00 | 2112 yards | / 100yards
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Start type: Plus:
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current:
200M Perf. Remainder:
Breathing: Drafting:
Waves: Navigation:
Time: 00:00
Cap removal: Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
02:44:59 | 56 miles | 20.37 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Average
My Garmin measured the course at 54 miles.
Wind: Little
Course: 2 loops. Mostly smooth course but rough in some places. One big hill nicknamed "The Beast."
Road: Rough Wet Cadence:
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Average Hills: Good
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 02:25
Overall: Below average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Below average
Running with bike Average
Racking bike Average
Shoe and helmet removal Bad
01:44:49 | 12.8 miles | 08m 11s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Course: One loop with some rollers and the big hill.
Keeping cool Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3