Viva Bike Vegas - CycleCentury

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Las Vegas, Nevada
United States
Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada
Total Time = 5h 30m
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Tried not to think too much of anything, and treat it just like any other day. Ate breakfast, got ready, and out I go.
Event warmup:

I arrived about 40 minutes early, so I had plenty of time to get ready and calm my nerves. Totally forgot my gloves, and I was slightly nervous, but I didn't allow it interfere with my day. In fact, I was more comfortable without them. I rode around a little bit to make sure everything works. Put on my arm warmers, and knickers. Found David (SWIM2Live), and I asked him if he is willing to hang out with me for the whole ride. I'm so grateful for that because I couldn't keep up with my BLV friends, and I knew that I would be miserable riding alone. Thank you DAVID!!

Got way in the back, and the gun started...
  • 6h 45m 39s
  • 102 miles
  • 15.09 mile/hr

Prior to this ride, I made a plan to skip Red Rock Loop. Although I've done it twice a couple weeks ago, I did not want to wreck my legs within the first 30 miles of the ride and have 70 miles to go. Since I was skipping that, I added 10 miles to make up for it so I can get in 100 miles. That matters to me more than anything. This isn't a race, it's a charity ride.

Riding down the Strip at 5:30am with police escort is great! Got to see some drunks, and some people cheering on us. It was a tight funnel and crowded for a little while, but I was surprised to find myself going comfortably 18mph until Alta.

Got to the first aid station, and I didn't feel like I needed it, but forced myself to eat some food (orange slices, banana and oreos).

The next section I knew was going to be a slower section due to hills out to Blue Diamond. There was some points where I wanted to push myself harder, but remained reserved in fear of getting muscle exhaustion at the end. I still had 60 miles to go. Looking back, this is definitely where I could push it a little more.

Blue Diamond aid stop - got to go potty for the first time since riding. I already drank about half a bottle of water. The weather has been so cool, and I ate a lot and drank sips, so I didn't feel like I needed to douse myself with electrolytes. More orange slices, oreos, chocolate chip cookies and banana (grabbed some Shot Blocks just in case!).

After that, I knew it was downhill to Green Valley so this is where I was avg'ing around 20mph. I saw a guy with flat tire problems, so I pulled over with David, and he helped him out by giving a makeshift tube patch. However 10 minutes later, David had a flat tire, so I had to wait about 30 minutes for him (does it really take that long to change a flat?! lol). I didn't see him behind me, and I didn't know whether to keep going, or wait. I didn't want to ride the rest by myself, so I waited.

After we met up again, we turned off to do the extra 10 miles that I wanted to do. However, I didn't know the roads were bad, and didn't know there was a Heart Walk-A-Thon at the same time in the area, so I was going a little slower than I wanted. Sorry David! :-)

Third aid stop, things started to feel a little hot. Took off my arm warmers and applied sunblock. Stupid - I didn't know it was SPF 15. It's not enough, I still got my face a little burned. Ate more food, refilled both of my bottles as I completely drank both of them, went potty (I knew I definitely am hydrated enough).

Around this time my mind was playing games with me. We had to ride on Horizon Ridge, which I need to practice more on because the hills are so steep. Up/Down/Up/Down. Pulled over once to get in the shade just for a few minutes. I couldn't WAIT to get to the next rest stop.

Fourth Rest stop - refilled my bottles again, ate more food, and potty again. :-) Nutrition and Hydration status: Perfect. The heat was starting to bother me around this time.

We headed off to River Mountain Trail. I've done this a couple times, but for some reason, I never did the Three Sisters. Now, the Three sisters are very STEEP climbs, but short - clockwise. The Three B_i_tches is the same hill, but the opposite direction - and that's worse because the hills are extremely steep. video is the Three B_i_tches, the sisters is the opposite direction, but you can see how steep these hills are). This was the first time I started screaming some obscenities. Mythbusters did a myth on whether swear words helps reduce the pain. It actually did! While it was steep, it wasn't too bad. I would love to ride this again. Surpassed my longest miles ever after 70 miles.

Last Aid stop - Sun was beating down on me. Looked at my garmin, and I was pleasantly surprised. 15.4 mph avg for 84 miles. Yahoo! Around Horizon ridge and the RMT, I could have pushed it a little more to gain a little more speed. Refilled both of my bottles with water. I felt like I was being a little over hydrated, but wanted to have water in case if I wanted to pour on my head and body. I had the Shot Blocks as electrolytes, so I was good, and made the right decision not to add electrolytes to my water.

17 miles left...brutally hot. Energy was sapped. Had to pull over to get some shade and a breather. I knew if I try to push it harder than normal I would just bonk because of the heat. My legs were perfectly fine. My butt, eh, it was alright, started to shift a lot, but nothing I couldn't handle.

Saw there was one large hill close to finish...I was a little annoyed, but focused on my cadence and smooth strokes. I can feel the difference now (Thanks to Shawn - my bike guy), and it kept my mind off on "this hill is so steep!! you're so slow!!). Mental and physical games...hate it!

After the hill, I was like, "YES! I'm almost DONE!!" Saw my Garmin hit 100, and relieved a huge sigh and said to myself, "You did it! You did a Century!!". Two miles later, I rolled into the finish chute, and got lots of cheers from the BLV folks.


What would you do differently?:

Nothing. Now that I experienced a Century, I know I could push it a little more, I had enough speed in me.
Post race
Warm down:

Sat down, stretched slightly, but I felt like I could do 20 more miles, or more (that is if it wasn't HOT!!). BLV made me eat...even though I was feeling really full and slightly bloated from nearly 6 bottles of fluids, and food at every stop. Had fun and headed home.

I was concerned that I would be in a lot of pain the next day...NOTHING! Perhaps slight neck aches, but other than that, nothing. I did have a bruising under my left big toe (started a few weeks ago, then the ride just kind of made it worse), and my right big toe felt like it was on pins and needles. Not exactly sure why. It has been resolved as of Monday. I think for the next century, I will either have a little more thicker socks or toe caps.

Took a much needed shower, and relaxed for the rest of the day/weekend.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Unsure how my body will be after 70 miles. Some parts I was a little conservative. Could have done more rides, but I felt I had enough ride experience to tackle this. Next time I do a Century, I would like to do much more and more hill training.

Massage from the fiance. :-P

Event comments:

It was a GREAT ride. While RTC VBV had a cutoff time at 5pm. There was still some riders that arrived after I did, and some long after I did. They missed out on the food (which I think is really necessary, but there was ice cream sandwiches, water, and powerade available...but still). Missed out on free massages, and they took down a few things just a little after I arrived. I think if it was something that was going to be cut off at 5pm, they ought to keep some things up UNTIL 5pm, not earlier. Regardless, I highly recommend anyone to do this long as they embrace the hills. :-)

Last updated: 2011-10-17 12:00 AM
06:45:39 | 102 miles | 15.09 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Wind: Little
Course: Roughly around 4500' of climbing. Start off on The Strip, out to Red Rock to Blue Diamond, to Green Valley, to River Mountain Trail, and back. Pretty much the entire city of Las Vegas.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4