Comments: We started late, close to not the first time. We ran down the sidewalk as there was too much traffic to cross. We caught up at the one mile mark and got a break crossing over to race. They really have a lot of cops and patrols on this race which is nice. The wind was 10-15 and in our face with snow. The road surface was wet, and snow covered probably ran 10 miles if we were on dry roads. We were pushing well the thing about starting last is you are rarely passed in fact we never were for the first time in history. Ken, Mike and I all ran together which was very nice for a change. My shoes are nearing the end and the tread is pretty close to wearing out. So I was looking for black the whole run, there was a lot of white. I huffing pretty good in the unstable stuff but not bad on the surer traction. Considering that last Friday and Saturday I had a hard time getting up a flight of steps I was doing OK. At mile 5-6 I felt a the lack of not eating, plus its uphill. We pushed through I probably slowed the gang down a little but since we really didn't start at the start line it was no big deal. What would you do differently?: Run 8 miles in Canandaigua at 10:00 the weather was much better. For some reason my shoes got very wet and toes were cold. Post race
Warm down: We got a shot of soup and Mike brought us lunch at Timmy's for screwing up the start. d Event comments: We use these races to stay in tune over the winter. This one was true Freezeroo with wind, cold and snow. It was great to run this together. thanks for lunch Mike. Hope you like your new shirt. Ken thanks for driving. He did a great job considering on the way home there was a least a dozen cars off the road and one 6-7 car pile up. Last updated: 2011-10-20 12:00 AM
United States
The Greater Rochester Track Club
20F / -7C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 50-54
Age Group Rank = 0/
Up at 7:30. I try to eat before these things and really should eat for a 8 mile race. I don't feel like it. Had a waffle and grape juice. Packed for the weather in Canandaigua which was nice. It was not at Long Pond race site. I did have enough through.
Ken got me at 8:30 and hit the park & ride at 9:00 to get Mike. He was confused. Long story short we met at the race.
Ken's warm up was the run from the library down the street where he had to park. I grabbed Ken and Mike's tag and chip and watch the race start. We started a minute behind.