Comments: A much better swim then last year (-5'). Navigation was much better, the big triangle buoys helped. Swam to the game plan, out slow, get in a good groove and keep the HR down. At about the half/1000yd point, kicked it up and stayed strong to the end. There is a faster swim in me. Water was warm, swam about 75 yds for a w/u and timed it right as I did not wait long for the gun. What would you do differently?: Might try to get out in front next time, get some clear water. Alot of guys in this wave and a bit of bumping going on but not bad. It does help me to NOT go out too hard but turn it on at the half. Transition 1
Comments: A decent T1, but not times from the timing company, some kind of foul up. I know it was way faster then last year. No problem finding my spot. T1 time is included in the bike time, not the swim. What would you do differently?: NO SOCKS! Gotta learn to bike n run sockless. Takes too much time to put on wet feet. And not have my wife hand me my glasses on the run up to my spot, I can see well enough to leave them at the rack next go round. Overall, not a bad T1 Bike
Comments: Should do good here, it's my home course. Probably went out too hard, but I just have a hard time reeling it in to save a bit for the run. Was passed by only 1 guy the entire ride, he was flyin, all aero! Cat n mouse with a younger gal, finally got her in the 19 mile hills and never looked back. This time includes T1 time, maybe 2:00 mins.+. Actual on course bike at 1:16:00? What would you do differently?: Not much, will be faster on a better ride. Drink a bit more. Transition 2
Comments: Much better then last year, just focused on getting out. Great spot, allmost thee perfect spot of all. What would you do differently?: Not much, just be quicker. Run
Comments: Game plan was to run hard the first 2 miles or so, it is most all downhill and the easiest part of the course. Just had a hard time, was a bit tired from the bike. Felt good, just a bit fatigued. Walked the steeps. Felt the quads some, right calve cramped but went away quickly. It was a so so run, I did finish very strong, 8:15-8:20 for the last 1/2 mile, the downhill to the finish. Had the energy from about the 5 mile point on. What would you do differently?: Did not run more then 8-10 miles the last 4 weeks of training due to feet issues. Just need to work on the run, possibly more smart bricks, long rides followed by 15 min fast runs. Not being a good runner is costing me and that needs to change. Post race
Warm down: Hangin with the wife and friends, felt good after. Water, orange slices, Muscle Milk giveaway was nice. What limited your ability to perform faster: Level of fitness when it came to the run. Event comments: The only issue for me was the problems they had with the timing company. I wasn't going to be on the podium anyway, too bad for those that were, no recognition from the other athletes. It is a bit of a costly race, but Bill, Bob and company do a great job and I love this race. Hopefully faster again next year! Last updated: 2011-10-26 12:00 AM
United States
Pelican Coast Events
62F / 17C
Overall Rank = 207/490
Age Group = 50-54
Age Group Rank = 12/32
Same as usual. Up at 4:15, malt o meal w milk, honey, toast. Left the house for the 5 minute ride to the lake. Was not as busy early like it was last year, not as many participants. Got a great rack spot, this year it was men 45+ on the same rack, was glad I got there early. Set up T1 and found some friends.
Stretch, cord stretches and just chill.