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Decatur, Texas
United States
Wildwood Naturists Resort - AANR
65F / 18C
Total Time = 27m 2s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 19-29
Age Group Rank = 1/
Pre-race routine:

Aaron and I drove an hour from our Aquathon in McKinney to Decatur. An aquathon (750m swim, 5k run) was a good warmup for a 1pm 5k. We stopped about an hour before the race for food, we were starving and thought we should eat before our second race of the day. This later proved to be a bad idea.

I was a little nervous, but this was my idea and was excited. I was hoping we weren't the only young people there. As soon as we drive into the resort, we see a buff guy warming up on the entry road. "He looks familiar...that kinda looks like Trey...look at his tattoos...hey, he has Trey bodymarked on his chest!...IT IS TREY! OMG!"

Its hard to recognize racing friends without their clothes...
Event warmup:

Parked, laughed hysterically as Trey (Aaron's racing buddy and friend from TCU) came and talked to us. We didn't tell people we were coming to this race and neither did he.

Went and got our packets & long sleeve T-Shirt!! Ha!, got bodymarked (there's nowhere to put your race number, race belts optional), and made our way to the car to lose the clothes (yes you read that right, if you haven't figured it out by now)...Trey stayed naked...I learned very quickly to keep your head up at all times... We met Mat, who was parked next to us, he was in our AG. This was his first time too, he was very nice, and his wife wouldn't join him for this 5k.

It was colder than we thought it was supposed to be. Very overcast and the sky threatened rain the whole afternoon.
  • 27m 2s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 08m 41s  min/mile

Wow and Wow.

We stood around, it was a little chilly, for about 5 min at the start line. There was quite a few people. I saw a really fit lady not too far from me and thought I'd keep an eye on her, I'd like to have someone to pace with.

The gun went off and so did Aaron and Trey. They specifically wanted to be at the front of the pack. I started laughing uncontrollably for the first quater of a mile. 50-75 naked people, most of them much older than us, jiggling...I mean running down a trail. (I still can't stop laughing). I kept an eye on Renee (her name was on her chest), she was obviously a runner and was about my pace. Oh well, I don't want to run behind her so I'll run next to her. "I hope its proper naked etiquitte to talk to fellow runners" I thought. I introduced myself and asked if she minded if I ran with her, that she was going a pace I'd like to keep. She said sure, but that she should follow me since I'm younger and in better shape (I disagreed) so we ran together. It was her first nude run too and we kept laughing together. I told her I wished I had a smaller chest (she was pretty small) because it was uncomfortable and they were getting in the way. She said this was the first time she was happy with her chest size! I was much more comfortable at this point and the fact that everyone was naked seemed normal at this point. The people that wore sports bras or shorts (2 girls older girls, and 2 under 19 year olds were fully clothed) seemed really odd.

Mile 1: 8:16. I was really happy with this pace but my stomach was full. The trail was not easy, it was hilly and there was mud to avoid. I was having a great time, but occasionally my girl parts would get a little out of control (and make noise) and I noticed I was going to chafe. (I had chafed from my tri top in the am and it was getting worse)

As men would pass (I didn't get passed by any women, I was at the FOP for women) they were all very nice and polite. I never felt uncomfortable or creeped out.

Mile 2 was much more difficult. It was mostly uphill, winding through the woods and there were steep climbs and again, more noise from my body. 8:53 was my pace. My stomach was starting to fight back my Arby's for lunch. I told Renee this and started to fall back about 10 seconds behind her about mile 2.5. The course came out of the woods and winded through a field and you could see other runners ahead. I saw Aaron and his big flag across the field. I smiled and we waved at each other. This is one of the few times he's acknowledged me during a race.

I ran with a nice older gentleman (in his 60's probably) for the last 1/2 mile. We kept changing lead positions as I would take my time over big water and mud puddles. I passed him in the last few hundred yards and he told me to hurry up and beat him. I told him I was very impressed he kept that pace for the race.

Crossed the finish line barely keeping my lunch down (mile 3: 9:53) and my chest was burning. I could have kept sub 8:30's the whole time had it not been for my stomach.
I am very happy with my performance.
What would you do differently?:

Have smaller boobs.

Not eat a greasy lunch an hour before.

I really felt like I could have gotten sub 25 and close to 24 min if I hadn't eaten or ran a race in the morning, but I still PR'd! I felt great otherwise though. I haven't run this short of a race in at least 3-4 years and it was fun.
Post race
Warm down:

Hung out! This was so fun. We (Aaron, Trey, Matt, Renee, Dennis-who came with Renee) talked for a long time. We all had a great time and exchanged stories, and stories about our 'real lives' since this isn't a hobby that any of us partake in. The second funniest thing of the day was when Renee asked during this discussion "What was that slapping sound?! Did you hear it?" I laughed, showed her my chafing underneath my breasts, and said "YES! That was my chest! Thats why I said I wished they were smaller!" Laughs all around.

We waited for the awards ceremony and group picture (everyone in the race!).

I got 1st in my AG, and 5th place woman, and a PR!
Aaron got 2nd in his AG, Matt beat him.
Renee got 2nd also.
Trey got 1st.

Medals all around!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

My chest size. Lunch.

Event comments:

This was a very organized race. Post race food was great, fruit, cookies, crackers, drinks, etc. The awards ceremony was hilarious and there were door prizes. It was so fun that we all placed.

This was so fun, freeing and exhilarating. I would definitely do it again.

Last updated: 2006-04-30 12:00 AM
00:27:02 | 03.11 miles | 08m 41s  min/mile
Age Group: 1/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Course: Hilly trail run.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]