![]() Swim
Comments: The swim went as well as I would have hoped, alot of fast guys in the water today. The start of the race, was good natured, with people bumping into each other (unintentionally). After the first turn, it thinned out. I accidentally went in the wrong direction one time as I thought that was the turn bouy (it wasn't)... no worries though, it was quickly corrected, and I don't think I lost a ton of time. I could tell we were doing a pretty good clip and after breaking away from the main pack, I started to relax, stretch out my stroke, and try to stay close to the leaders. Part of me thinks I should have pushed it just a bit harder to catch up to the leaders and draft off of them, but honestly, who knows how much more that would have helped. I put in Red Rocks time, however, the split i took was 12:10 and that's an average of 100 split time 1:29 What would you do differently?: Dont turn at the wrong bouy. Possibly increase my speed for a 100 or 200 so i can then drag off the leaders. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: Transition time was from water to sitting on bike. I think the biggest problem I had was lack of practice. But with that said, it went pretty well. Only mistake was putting on my helmet before my jersey. That and my jersey rolled up on itself making it difficult to pull down. My own split for this was different then Red Rock's. I had the split for T1 at 3:19. I was ranked 69/148. What would you do differently?: Practice transitions more, make it more smooth. Get the order of things down. I am certainly not upset with this transition. However, there is definately room for improvement in my transition, I need to figure out how those guys do 1 minute transitions. I guess, a singlet and no socks would help. ![]() Bike
Comments: I had no idea what to expect from my bike leg, going into it I figured 17 mph would be great. Started off and I felt good, so I figured just carry on with it and see where this goes. Felt strong throughout. For just starting biking back in December I feel this was a pretty strong performance. Truth be told, I am really surprised that I went as fast as I did, considering all the turns and U-turns in the course. The bike split I took was from when I first went to sit on my bike, to dismount. My bike split I recorded was 39:52, or an average of 18.51 MPH What would you do differently?: I dont really know what I could do differently. I was really happy with this performance. I guess that I could have taken my gel pack somewhere on the bike, I forgot about it until the start of the run. There is still room for improvement on this leg as 106 people out of 148 were faster then me. There really are some pretty amazing bikers! ![]() Transition 2
Comments: I was pretty happy with this transition. I was towards the back of the transition area so I had to run the entire way with my bike, but honestly it was a good thing, becuase my legs felt really funny, and being able to put some weight on the handle bars while I ran was a blessing. Everything else went very smooth and I was happy with the transition. By the time I left the transition, I had my legs back for the most part. The split I got for this transition was 1:24. Rank on the transition was 63/148 What would you do differently?: Nothing really. Maybe make it more routine, so I don't have to think about what comes next, and it just happens. Again, I could pick up some time here, compared to other people, but not as much as T1. ![]() Run
Comments: Wow, I've never run that fast. 8:01 min miles, is crazy fast in my world! I do not run well, and I certainly do not consider myself a runner. Truly I'm shocked I went that fast!. I would have been extatic with 9:30 min miles. I felt good on this run, and that was a welcome change, becuase it's something that never happens for me. The time I got for my split on the run was 24:54. What would you do differently?: I could probably have drank just a bit more on the run, but it was pretty close to good. As for improvements, I can't think of anything running wise. ![]() Post race
Warm down: Warm down consisted of walking around and drinking as much fluids as I could get my hands on... I knew that if I sat down or stopped moving I was going to cramp up. I also enjoyed the food that was available. I spent most of the time talking with my wife and some new friends. What limited your ability to perform faster: For my first triathlon in 6 years, and my longest triathlon ever, I'm thrilled. I went into this thinking that going under 1:40 was going to be a decent time, and going under 1:30 was going to be darned near impossible. As for what limited my performance, I'd say lack of knowledge on how to pace these things. I literally just threw this one together and hoped for the best. Now that I have one under my belt, I figure that I will be able to pace this a little better next time. I also think more practice on transitions would be helpful. At this point in my triathlon career, I don't think I could have put together a better sprint triathlon. Event comments: Red Rock put on an awesome event. I would gladly do one of their events again! Last updated: 2012-01-22 12:00 AM
United States
Red Rock Company
80F / 27C
Overall Rank = 55/148
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 12/28
Went to bed last evening, at roughly 9:30 and was probably asleep by 10:00. Sleep was pretty uneventful, woke up at midnight to use the bathroom, and then fell back asleep and only woke up a few more times.
Alarm clock went off at 3:30, and by 3:35 I was out of bed. My digestive track was on point! ...and within a few minutes, I found myself using the restroom. Took a quick shower and stretched out a little bit in the warm water.
For breakfast at about 4:00 I had a peanut butter and honey sandwich with water and Gatorade. While eating, I jumped on the internet and mindlessly surfed, until I got to this website and started writing up my pre-race routine.
Going to wake the wife up in 5 minutes, and leave in 20. One last check to make sure I have everything, and then... It's my first triathlon in 6 years and biggest triathlon ever. Here's to doing the sprint!
Got to the race site at about 5:10. Took the time to set up my transition area and introduced myself to my transition neighbors. When I layed out my race belt, I noticed, that the guy at registration gave me someone elses bib #. So I walked on over to registration and had them change it out... very simple process, very efficient crew. Went back to the transition area finished setting up, and looked for some of the guys I knew. At about 6, my wife showed up and I spent the rest of the time talking with her waiting for the event to start. There was a small delay starting the event, but whatever. As for a warm up, I just kind of walked around and swung my arms out.