Comments: Yet another best swim ever--I didn't break stroke throughout the whole leg! Also, for the first time ever, I was passing people--now, quite a few more passed me, but I'm used to that. The weird thing is that I swam more continuous-ly then I did at the tri-for-real, yet in this race, I was 4 minutes slower....I am thinking that either this race was a shade over 1500m or the Tri for real was under 1500m...oh well, no matter, I did good, for me! What would you do differently?: Nothing. I am quite happy with this...I will eventually have learn how to be comfortable drafting though. Transition 1
Comments: It went fast, and I wasn't wobbly...'nuff said. What would you do differently?: Nothing. Bike
Comments: The first part of the leg isn't so bad--normal flat-ish road, with a few rollers...and then you get to White Rock road...Most of the course is on semi-rural 2 lane roads--You wouldn't ride them when traffic is allowed unless you have a death wish. Thankfully, the cops had the roads shut for us. Back to White Rock...It seemed okay at first, nice scenery, and gently rolling hills. I was only able to hit about 12 mph at that point due to the headwind, but it wasn't bad. Then there started a 'slight' incline. I thought it wasn't too bad, even with the headwind...I was wrong. It just kept GOING AND GOING!!!! I was unable to ride faster than 9mph at this point! It was really killing me mentally too--I began thinking that I wouldn't be able to reach my goal bike time, and that my run wouldn't be as good cause my left quad and knee were QUITE angry....and then I reached the top of the incline. Which led to a screaming downhill into another uphill at the top of which was the turnaround. Once I hit the turnaround, it was pretty much gravy all the way back--I got my mojo on and was averaging 20+ mph all the way back to the last road into the park. What would you do differently?: I obviously need to work more hills into my bike training... Transition 2
Comments: So I was okay, but not great with this transition--for whatever reason, I was having severe brain issues on which way I needed to rack the bike..eventually I figured it out though and was all good. What would you do differently?: um...keep my brain working? Run
Comments: Best run ever! --Well, in a race anyway... This was the first race I have run that I ACTUALLY RAN in--usually I will convince myself that I need to walk, and end up walking quite a bit. This time, I ignored myself. I started running straight out of transition, and kept on going. The only time I walked was when I reached one of the many aid stations. I would then grab my drink(s) drink or splash them and would allow 5 more steps of walking (but no more) and start running again.This run was the first in which I actually passed people as well. What a great feeling. As well as the feeling of comfy-ness that just showed up midway through it--I was trotting along (as slow as I am, "running" is probably closer to a SLOW jog), and noticed that I felt REALLY comfortable, as if I could just keep going and going. That was another first, and I was quite happy for that. What would you do differently?: Nothing--but I am going to keep on going--and working on hills as well. Maybe I will finally gain some speed. Post race
Warm down: Walked around, drank water....waited to step onto the podium!! :) What limited your ability to perform faster: In this race, I don't know; maybe just not training hard enough? Event comments: This race was incredibly well organized. There were so many helpful volunteers, and an aid station on every mile of the run course. My favorite was the 'informational cheerleader' at transition; he was there for the whole race, and even after the finish, yelling out stuff like: Drink your water now (in first transition), don't forget to fuel, you're right where you need to be, and after the end of the race: don't forget to keep drinking your water...I mean it was basic stuff, but it was for over 5 hours this guy was just helping out, yelling out helpful stuff. I don't know, it was just kind of nice! This race was truly made by the volunteers. Last updated: 2012-03-20 12:00 AM
United States
USA Productions
84F / 29C
Overall Rank = 367/471
Age Group = Athena
Age Group Rank = 3/6
Tummy issues abounded, so I was visiting the bathroom often, wandering around the venue, and basically trying to not puke. I succeeded. I spent time getting all my stuff organized, and also chatted with a lady asking about my tri club--wondering if it would be good to join--I think she was convinced she should! :)
Waded into the lake and swam around trying to get acclimated to the low 60s temp. Thankfully, I succeeded at that too.