Comments: Started off in the water. I was going to be in the back, but no one wanted to tread water on one side of the start line, so I tread water and had hoped that it would help loosen up my muscles. Took off fast at the start to try to stay away from the pack. swam to the outside the whole way. I think it was because i had a crick on my left side of the neck so ended up doing a shorter stroke with my left arm. felt like a decent enough pace. swam until my hand touched mud, stood up easily enough and ran up grassy area to transition. What would you do differently?: remember to click watch for split times, get in better shape and warm up before hand more Transition 1
Comments: sat down and dried off feet, put on sock and then shoes. re-applied sunscreen to face and arms, put on t-shirt. headband, sunglasses, and helmet. grabbed bike and was off to the next part. What would you do differently?: forgot to grab a gu that I had right next to my shoes. Bike
Comments: Heard a lot of "on your left" as bikers rode pass me. that was frustrating, but I knew I had to just ride since I haven't done this before. it felt like a good pace to me, but guess it was a bit slow with the number of passerbys. I did have to move to the left once to avoid a pothole and a biker yelled at me to stay on my left. Sorry wasn't going to ride through that pothole. but i didn't waste my breath yelling at her back. most bikers were nice, a few added encouragements as they passed. Wasn't used to the slopes up and down. toward the end, I was really hating even the slight incline. And really annoyed seeing people leaving in cars because they had already finished their race. What would you do differently?: was able to stay hydrated well enough, wish i had my gu or something for added energy. Transition 2
Comments: got off bike, feet felt like cushioned tops. got the bike racked, helmet off, hat on. made sure to grab a gu. I didn't have bike shoes, so didn't have to change that. put on race belt and took off for the run, volunteers all around to point the way. What would you do differently?: make sure to grab a water bottle Run
Comments: by this time, was just doing what i could to finish. I was going run/walk but ended up walking a lot of it. my left foot and lower leg became completely numb. people later said it might have been because the shoelace was too tight. it felt better running for a little bit, then the inside part of my knees cramped up. first time that happened. easily out of breath very warm out by this time What would you do differently?: remember to take into account swelling of feet when tying shoe laces! Post race
Warm down: walked around some, ate a banana & some pasta they had there. was sooo glad that a guy gave the tip to freeze the water bottles the night before so the water was still cold for the bike and run. Event comments: they've been doing this race series for several years now, I'd say they have it down. even if it was my 1st triathlon, was impressed that it was quite organize. and good setting for triathlons. Last updated: 2012-04-03 12:00 AM
United States
TBF Racing
70F / 21C
Overall Rank = 398/421
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 24/25
racing site was less than an hour away. Woke up and had cereal, toasted wheat bread with peanut butter, and on the drive there had a small bottle of Gatorade.
Got to the site just as the transition opened. set up my spot and then found a couple of people to talk to from a tri club I am thinking of joining. Moved my stuff to their rack. A lady that has done triathlons for a year was very friendly and nice, and a guy that was his first time too. Talking to them calmed my nerves.
I walked around making sure to see where we were coming in from the swim and where to leave, come in on bike, and run. small enough of transition area (421 total people) so it was easy to find my bike.
didn't really warm up. next time make sure to swim a little before it starts