Seneca7 - RunOther

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Geneva, New York
United States
50F / 10C
Total Time = 10h 43m 45s
Overall Rank = 57/150
Age Group = Mixed
Age Group Rank = 39/105
Pre-race routine:

All but one of us went up the night before and stayed in Geneva. We stayed at the Hampton Inn right across from the start. It was also conveniently located near that Italian place we ate at last year. We had breakfast at the hotel and then walked across the street for packet pick-up. We came back and decorated the van before going back over for the start.
Event warmup:

We were in the 2nd wave. After one last porta-potty stop, I did a short warm-up.
  • 1h 21m 20s
  • 9.68 miles
  • 08m 24s  min/mile

My first leg was rolling for the most part. For some reason, instead of going up the stairs this year, we went up the grass next to them. I assume that was because whoever was first went in the grass and everybody else followed. I tried to race this leg as much as I could. I stretched a little bit and then got on the bus to be taken to the third exchange point. We had planned better this year - Jen had my sweatshirt and she gave mine and hers to me at the exchange.

My second leg was interesting. My splits were 7;28, 11:34!, and 8:17. The elevation profile looked like a wedge - we went down a pretty steep hill past a very pretty waterfall and then straight back up a GIANT hill. This was the prettiest of my 3 legs. It was a smidgen longer than last year due to a new exchange point.

My third leg was only 2 miles long this year, so I just ran as hard as I could. I was very happy with this leg.

What would you do differently?:

Maybe a little longer warm-up, but not much else.
Post race
Warm down:

None, just hop in car and go to the next porta-potty line.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Less mileage than past years?

Event comments:

My team all had a great time at this event again this year. Some aspects are very well run (check-in, wave start for example worked very well). However, if they do not do something to remedy the porta-potty situation, they are going to find themselves with no places left to have the exchanges. They need many more porta-potties than they had and if you are advertising that the bathrooms in Clute Park are going to be open, someone needs to confirm that they are (they were last year, but not this year). The legs are short enough that there really isn't time to go looking for an alternate facility (convenience store or something) unless you know exactly where you are going.

The one other thing that needs attention is the course markings/maps. With such a nice book with maps, there's no reason there couldn't be inset pictures of confusing areas. The turn as runners come into Watkins should be better marked (cone with a sign/balloon if it's impossible to get a volunteer with a flag into that spot). Also, the leg that takes off from the golf course and goes to Sampson State Park continues to confuse people. Perhaps some pictures in the course guide and improved course markings would help keep people on course.

Overall, this is an awesome event and we will be back next year.

Last updated: 2012-04-09 12:00 AM
01:21:20 | 9.68 miles | 08m 24s  min/mile
Age Group: 39/105
Overall: 57/150
Performance: Good
Course: 7 man relay around Seneca Lake (77.7 miles total). I was runner #1, so I ran legs 1, 8, and 15 for a total of 9.7 miles.
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4