Comments: Passed 4 people, very easy swim, What would you do differently?: better turns/ better use of walls Transition 1
Comments: Confused in transition- couldn't find my area right away Put on helmet and decided to put on shirt after, but then had to remove helmet to put on shirt What would you do differently?: Better organization. Practice finding spot coming out of water. Decide on gear ahead of time! Bike
Comments: Was very cold, nervous on corners, slowed way down! nervous on railroad tracks, stayed too upright. Forgot gloves What would you do differently?: Worn gloves, stayed in drops more, gone faster through turns Transition 2
Comments: Very wobbly coming off bike, exhausted getting through transition. Slow taking off shoes and switching to running shoes What would you do differently?: Better organization. More bricks! Run
Comments: Exhausted. First half mile= lead legs, had to walk to recover. didn't have garmin (dead battery) so was unaware of pace, time, etc- felt exhausted. Last 1/2 mile had people helping push and finished okay though What would you do differently?: Lots more bricks! Post race
Warm down: Light stretching, ate banana, hydrated, What limited your ability to perform faster: Not enough training, needed better planning in transition, garmin died Event comments: Good race! Last updated: 2012-05-10 12:00 AM
United States
Fort Collins Club
60F / 16C
Overall Rank = 118/181
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 9/19
chicken & pasta for dinner,in bed by 9 pm, up at 5 am, at transition by 6, race start 7:15
200 free