Comments: Felt good the entire swim. Could have pushed in the middle but would have only probably made up 10-15 seconds. What would you do differently?: Nothing Transition 1
Comments: Very fast transition. 11th fastest What would you do differently?: Put shoes on bike and learn the flying mount. Bike
Comments: Rode very well considering the amount of riding I've been able to do outside. Felt strong climbing. I did give up about 20 second when I dropped my water bottle. Had to go back and get it. Paused for a moment, then thought it was good form (and a rule) that I must go back and get it. What would you do differently?: Not drop water bottle and get outside more. Transition 2
Comments: Again, fast transition, but could be faster.28th best. What would you do differently?: Not sure. Run
Comments: Still not fast enough. Have about 10 lbs still to lose. That will get me sub 8. But I have gotten faster and the distance is not the problem. What would you do differently?: Just train more and lose some weight. Running has always been my weak point. Some people just are not that fast. I know I can get back to sub 8 minute miles and I'm not that far away. Post race
Warm down: Collapsed in the grass. Covered myself with water and cooled down with my family. Waited for times to be posted. Sadly, I think I could have had 4th place pretty easily had I not given up time on the bike and even getting water on the run. What limited your ability to perform faster: Nothing. Just the silly water bottle incident. Event comments: I really like these simple local races. People seem to be there to have fun. This is my 4th time doing this race and I'm sure I'll do it again. One negative... It was neat to have Tim Hola racing in the same race, but really, a top Kona athlete racing a local race as an AG competitor? Come on really... Last updated: 2012-05-20 12:00 AM
United States
Highlands Ranch Community Association
85F / 29C
Overall Rank = 30/145
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 5/12
Got up early and headed to the race site. No breakfast as I'm not a early morning eater. Set up transition and just hung out. Made sure the bike was in the right gear and all shoes were ready for foot entry.
Went for a short run. Not a lot to do. No swim warm-up since I was swimming in the last heat.