Comments: Swim out to the first buoy went great, felt great, nice and relaxed with good sighting. Got the buoy and was suddenly in a large crowd, the current was so strong the people were pretty much stopped. A channel marker was near the buoy, made it to there then pretty much stopped. Tried going more across the current instead of head on, ended up going around the channel marker and was pushed back into the next wave of swimmers as they were going to the buoy. Fought with the current a bit more. Realized I wasn't going to be able to finish one lap of the swim, much less two. Swam back to shore while being bummed about a DNF. Once on shore, race official told me they were canceling the swim due to the current. So I was able to continue on with the bike and run. I was happy about that, but couldn't help to wonder if I could have made it further in the swim. Transition 1
Comments: I was very happy with the bike portion, my training rides do not have any hills to speak of, so I was really glad to 1. Complete the bike 2. Felt as good as I did through out it. The descents were great, just to short. Topped out at 39.72 mph. Transition 2
Comments: hmmm, this was kind of slow. Oh well. I keep saying I should practice transitions then never do, so no real surprise that it wasn't faster. Run
Comments: The run was a bit of a struggle. After all the hills on the bike it took a while for the legs to loose up, just as they were hit the stairs to begin climbing once again. Had a bit of cramping in my quads on the bridge till about the mid point where it flattens out and then goes down hill. Walked the aid station/turnaround. After the turn around had more cramping going up the north side of the bridge, kept on running. Legs felt much better once past the mid point, did pretty good coming into the finish Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster: Lack of hill training. Event comments: The swim was crazy, in the bay you really never no what the currents will be like from day to day, this one was a strong day. I'm not sure if the race organizers could have done anything different, from the shore it didn't look bad. Maybe they noticed something one the boats while setting the course, maybe not. The bike course was challenging, but overall not to bad. On fresh legs the run would be great, on tired hilly legs the run was still pretty great. Last updated: 2012-05-22 12:00 AM
United States
Overall Rank = 45/64
Age Group = 30-39
Age Group Rank = 21/26