Comments: After Oceanside I realized that my swim is better than I give it credit for, so I decided to position myself a little closer to the front. I still ended up having to navigate around some people at the start, and had to deal with a lot more ankle grabbing, but everything cleared out after the first 100 yds. What would you do differently?: Nothing Transition 1
Comments: I put on socks and calf sleeves in transition, so it took a little longer than I expected. This was the first race where I used my Garmin 910 for the entire race and I really liked how it handles the multi-sport mode. What would you do differently?: Try swimming with the calf sleeve on under the wetsuit. Bike
Comments: With the change in traffic control I ended up getting stuck behind a pair of cars twice just before the turn around. The second time I ended up passing the cars on the left because they were going so slowly. Overall I am happy with the results and think I would have averaged 20 MPH if I had not gotten stuck behind the cars. I was able to stay aero for 95% of the ride. What would you do differently?: Be more aggressive with getting around the cars. It was great that they were being careful around the riders, but it killed my speed twice as I had to sit up. Transition 2
Comments: I ended up sitting down to switch my shoes which slowed me down a little. What would you do differently?: swap shoes while standing. Run
Comments: The run went really well for me. I have had to deal with a variety of legs issues in the past at every tri that I have done, so this was going to be my first race on healthy legs. I tried to maintain an even pace for the race and then kicked some at the end. My heart rate was high, but I didn't know this at the time as I did not look at my watch during the run (as planned). What would you do differently?: Nothing Post race
Warm down: Walked back out on the course to watch my wife finish. She was looking strong and it looked like she had a good chance to podium. After she finished we did more walking and then got some bland pasta. Event comments: TBF did a great job with the race. Last updated: 2012-05-28 12:00 AM
United States
TBF Racing
70F / 21C
Overall Rank = 91/421
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 16/29
Could not sleep the night before the race, kept waking up every hour or so. Had no nerves about the race, since I was doing it to support my wife's first sprint tri.
Finally got out of bed at 4:15 and ate a bowl of steel-cut oatmeal and a piece of toast. We gathered up or stuff and left the house at 6 am for the 45 minute drive to the race.
Once we got there we setup our gear and I walked my wife through the different parts of the race and focused on the transitions.
No real warmup other than the walking around showing my wife the transition area. I did swim a little before the race started.