Farmdale TrailRun - Run10 Mile

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East Peoria, Illinois
United States
Central Illinois Trail Run Association
50F / 10C
Total Time = 8h 00m
Overall Rank = 100/126
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Went to packet pick-up yesterday to avoid getting up any earlier than necessary today. Alarm went off at 5:15 and I laid back down until 5:45. I had laid out my race clothes and clothes to change into last night,so I didn't feel the need to rise too early. Avery was in town so he drove me to the race. It wasn't raining when we left home but it was starting to spit rain by time we got there. Stopped and chatted with a few friends (some were surprised to see me as they haven't seen me in several months).
  • 2h 31m 6s
  • 10 miles
  • 15m 07s  min/mile
Post race
Event comments:

We stayed long enough after my finish to say hello to volunteers. I was sweating and wet and cold from the rain so Avery and I opted to head home.

Last updated: 2012-06-20 12:00 AM
02:31:06 | 10 miles | 15m 07s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/126
Performance: Good
Course: The course was very well marked with pink ribbon and was a variety of challenging trails. I have run here before, but never on the race route. The rain was still spitting as we started and under the cover of the trees is was hardly noticeable. Started int he back of the pack and fell into a pace group that seemed to fit my pace very well. One of the group was my coach in my Biggest Loser endeavor here in town. Another gentleman was one that I had run with a couple of weeks ago who ran my butt off! Kept up with them for about the first 2.3 miles then they all sprinted away. That left me with a few other first-timers so we each took turns pacing. The rain was starting to get heavier and now there was thunder to listen to. So far the trail wasn't too wet so I was counting my blessings for that. About the 5 mile mark there was an aid station, hosted by a friend and an old friend. Chatted for about 5 minutes with the old friend and took off with another friend. I talked/ran with him for a bit knowing that he would want to pick up the pace soon. As he jogged on ahead the other girls I had been with earlier caught up to me. We stayed together for a while. At this time the rain was really coming down and the hills (up and down) were becoming treacherous (remember, I had not run in these types of conditions before). I was running with another lady and we decided that we would walk the hills for safety sake. We reached the dam (near the finish) to find my son waiting for me. I walked along the dam with him and the started running again once we hit the trail again. At this point I was completely soaked so I was just running straight through the mud puddles. Actually, I kinda enjoyed the feeling of doing that! :) As Avery and I were rounding a corner he slipped and fell in the mud puddle (that he was trying to avoid)! He gets up and says we are thisclose to the finish. We turn the corner and I can see the finish line and look at my watch. My realistic goal was 2:30 and I could see that if I sprinted I could make it. I picked it up, chanting all the way that I was too close to miss my goal! Came across the finish line at 2:31. If I were to be negative I could say that if I hadn't spent 5-6 minutes at the aid station I wouldn't have been that close to my goal time. If I had run a little faster on the straight aways I could have arrived before my goal time. If I had run the crossing at the dam instead of walking with Avery I could have arrived before my goal time. Those thoughts never crossed my mind at the time. I'm happy with my time and my performance. I'm very grateful that my son was there for me and was willing to wait in the pouring rain for me, run in the rain with me and was a good sport about the whole thing. I don't regret chatting with friends at the aid station and mending old wounds. I don't regret walking the hills because I came away from the race with no injuries, having had fun, and ready to tackle another trail race.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5