Comments: Felt really good on this run heart rate did get up pretty high though. I think I did most of this run on pure adreneline. I did walk through the aid station at the turnaround to get some water. What would you do differently?: nothing my best time for a 3 mile run ever :) Transition 1
Comments: tried to keep it simple took a drink a water put on shoes helmet and gloves and took off. What would you do differently?: nothing I think it went well for my first transition ever Bike
Comments: Wasn't sure how I was going to do on the bike, I haven't had that much time in the saddle recently. Course started off slightly downhill so it helped to build my confidence getting the speed up and actually passing people. About 6 miles in my calfs started cramping whenever I pushed it a little to hard. I was suprised I was able to keep the speed up and actually pass people on the hills. Overall I was very happy with bike leg even with all the cramping. What would you do differently?: get more comfortable drinking on the bike, maybe get a camelback get more comfortable shifting between big and small chainring. Transition 2
Comments: changed shoes fairly quickly, took a drink of cytomax and took off. Almost forgot my garmin and had to run back to the bike to get it. What would you do differently?: learn how to jump off the bike while still moving. Not forget my garmin. Run
Comments: Now I know why they call them bricks, my legs never felt so heavy. Had to take about 4 walk breaks in between but still had enough for a 1/4 mile sprint to the finish What would you do differently?: bring my fuel belt with me. do more,some, any bricks Post race
Warm down: drank some water walked around met up with ellismichael, madkat, cadreamer and a few others for a post race picnic. sorry if I missed anyone else I'm horrible with names. :O What limited your ability to perform faster: 30 extra pounds I'm carrying around. Not doing any bricks. not drinking enough on the bike. Event comments: This was a great event for my first Duathlon. I was hoping for about 2:15 based on my training times so almost breaking 2 hrs made all the training worth it. I think I'm hooked now :) Last updated: 2006-05-26 12:00 AM
United States
Total Body Fitness
Overall Rank = 31/44
Age Group = 30-39
Age Group Rank = 14/15
Got to site around 6:45 picked up my race packet and claimed my transition spot on the end of the rack near run start. Hit the restroom, drank a bottle of cytomax and just took everything in. Saw ellismichael about 10 minutes before the race started and talked a little.
Stretched some and jogged for about 5 minutes