Capital of Texas Triathlon - FirstTri - TriathlonMini Sprint

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Austin, Texas
United States
Total Time = 1h 44m 46s
Overall Rank = 201/210
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Packed all of my stuff up the night before...doubled up on alot of things - which worked out to my benefit.
Event warmup:

Was EXTREMELY nervous...went the wrong way trying to get to the body marking tent....twisted my goggles so much that I broke them (thank God for second pair)....went to the restroom and my zipper on my tri-suit broke....threw on the jersey that I was planning on wearing for the run/bike....and took a deep deep breath.

Had coffee & a bite of a danish...
  • 18h 23m 2s
  • 437 yards
  • 4h 12m 09s / 100 yards

was in trouble from the start - 215 people starting from a straight up and down in the water position all going horizontal...oops...splashing, kicking...and did I mention the water was COLD???? So all of a sudden I'm in a frothing, foaming vat of killer sharks... nah....just a bunch of people trying to move from dead stop to forward motion. The water was cold....I couldn't catch my breath....couldn't get a rythym going...there were lots of canoes out there to watch for struggling people...a couple of people grabbed onto them (breather)...and I started breast some water in my mouth (YUCK YUCK YUCK)...and was thinking....I don't HAVE to do one is MAKING me do this...I wanted to quit...but God sent an angel...with a name of Susan. She was doing the side stroke (the slowest swim possibility on the PLANET)....and she said...hey...we are doing the water...starting a triathlon...we are going to be we talked...all I could see was her dark goggles...and her mask...but I started freestyling...and breast stroking...400 meters didn't seem so long in the pool you know? We switched strokes...and talked....and made it all the way around the buoy's...and back to the ramp...if I'd had the time, I would have hugged her...but up the ramp....time to get on the bike.
What would you do differently?:

I will spend a LOT more time in the pool....400 meters seemed ridiculously long...and the next OWS I'm going to sign up for TWICE!
Transition 1
  • 08m 6s

MY bike is the coolest, fastest one out there....unfortunately her owner isn't quite so fast switching gears - wipe the feet off, put on socks, put on tennis shoes - tie the shoes, get the gloves on, get the helmet on, put the camel back on...oops, strap came undone....a minute later....okay....going..
What would you do differently?:

The transition was really difficult...the swim shook me up....I knew the bike would be my easiest...but should have prepared better for the transition.
  • 27h 18m 3s
  • 6.21 miles
  • 0.23 mile/hr

Going from the transition area....going.....cross the blue line and I can get ON my bike...and I took off like a bat out of hades. I love riding. I flew out of there, down the road, around the up to 25.5 mph at one point....climbed up the hills...didn't have to walk ANY of them...and flew back to the transition area....I wanted to ride more!
What would you do differently?:

Speed up the transition, get rid of some of the 'junk'...
Transition 2
  • 03m 29s

This one went MUCH smoother - just had to grab my sunglasses and go... (couldn't find them in T1 cause a towel covered them up!)
What would you do differently?:

Drink more water
  • 47h 28m 6s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 15h 15m 49s  min/mile

I'm suprised at how good I did on the run...I hate running....but compared to the swim? It's not so bad at ALL. I talked to people and jogged for a minute, then walked....ran into my swim angel....she was running 2 minutes at a I ran with her....til I ran out of breath....then said have fun...and walked for a bit...then ran for a bit....then walked...then ran....until I saw the finish line... ;-) And it was done....
What would you do differently?:

Run more...lots and lots more

Post race
Warm down:

Walked around and got some nasty sprite tasting stuff....a banana and a piece of pizza....saw Lisa J... said hi...ran into a couple other people and said 'hey!'....was very tired, and very exhilirated...

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Not knowing what to expect...everyone has a they say in the military....bleed now...and you won't bleed later...I know what changes need to be made to be better prepared for the next one...

Event comments:

Hey - It's my first one...and it was awesome.

Last updated: 2006-05-30 12:00 AM
18:23:02 | 437 yards | 4h 12m 09s / 100yards
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 202/210
Performance: Bad
Suit: Danskin TriSuit
Start type: Deep Water Plus:
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current: Low
200M Perf. Bad Remainder: Below average
Breathing: Bad Drafting: Bad
Waves: Navigation: Good
Rounding: Average
Time: 08:06
Performance: Below average
Cap removal: Average Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Good
27:18:03 | 06.21 miles | 0.23 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 161/210
Wind: Some
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Good Hills:
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Not enough
Time: 03:29
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Average
Shoe and helmet removal Good
47:28:06 | 03.11 miles | 15h 15m 49s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 198/210
Performance: Good
Course: Thank God for signs and orange cones...
Keeping cool Below average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5