Comments: Swallowed water on the first turn and it really hurt my breathing. I was in the water with some other new triathletes and I had a concern that they would go out fast and then slow down, which is what happened. This messed up my rhythm as I had practiced a very constant pace. What would you do differently?: Stick to my own pace, don't worry about other competitors. Transition 1
Comments: Not sure of true time for transition, just guessing. Transition was 50ft or so away from the pool. Had to clean feet a little bit from dirt in the parking lot. Pre-rolled socks helped alot with getting them on wet feet. Bike
Comments: My bike was good. I held a faster pace than any of my training sessions. The mental lift was needed after the swim. What would you do differently?: nothing Transition 2
Comments: Just a guess again at time. I ran my bike to the rack. I actually had someone tell me to slow down. Silly me, I thought it was a race. What would you do differently?: nothing Run
Comments: I had pushed the bike, so my legs were dead. I was able to run the whole course and was overall happy with the run time, I felt like I was running a lot slower. What would you do differently?: Train more running! Post race
Event comments: Overall the race had everything I needed as a first time participant. The event had a timing issue and race results didn't come out till the next day. This didn't effect me, but was bad for anyone that was competitive. Last updated: 2012-08-15 12:00 AM
United States
Boy Scouts of America
65F / 18C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 0/
1/4 mile run 100m swim. I should have skipped the swim because we stood in the cold for 30min getting race instructions.