![]() Swim
Comments: Okay so I was literally, supposed to be the next one in the pool and as I was putting my goggles on "SNAP" the goggle strap breaks. Luckily they let me step over to the side and fix them enough to swim and got me started right. But talk about messing with your head. I know the pace is pedestrian. However, compared to my last near drowning I was extremely happy with this performance. With continued work and comfort in the water in general I know I will see this number come down. I actually had a new experience because I passed some people. I seeded myself pretty correctly in this one, I actually swam a little faster than I thought. It did get a little congested in some spots. 2 abreast 2 deep, but I managed to find a way and came out of the pool feeling really good. What would you do differently?: Nothing really. I just need more time in the pool and work on technique and overall comfort. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: Felt really good about it. I still haven't practiced much less mastered the running, jump, and putting on shoes while riding. But hey its just my second race so give me a little time. What would you do differently?: Nothing much it went pretty well. Wet feet and bike shoes don't necessarily mix but hey its all part of the experience. ![]() Bike
Comments: I love the bike. Of the three disciplines it is my favorite. So I get on and you have about 300 yards before you come to the first pretty steep climb. I am by no means a Spainard or anything but when it comes to hills I can definitely hold my own and then some, especially considering I was coming out of the pool towards the back of the pack. I was picking them off left and right. It was tough to tell how I was doing placement wise because it was a short three loop course. I do know one thing, I passed a lot of people and nobody passed me, so I know I made up a ton of ground here. I was pushing pretty hard because I wanted to know just how fast I could really push. In reflection I may have gone just a little too hard as my run suffered some. So chalk it up to a learning experience. Time for a little soap box rant, PSA. Dear triathletes on a bike. If you are riding on the left hand side and here someone call out "on your left" for the love of all thats holy please get over. Look you may think you are fast, and you may indeed be fast, but there is a chance someone is faster. Especially on a course open to traffic you need to get over to let people pass. Ran into this on numerous occaisions, so frustrating. PSA over....thank you for your time. What would you do differently?: Settle in a spin up the hills. I think this is where I really burned up was pushing too hard on the hills. Even when I settle in and spin I usually go faster than most (well most at the back of the pack anyway)so I just need to take it a little easy on the hills. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: Got in ran my bike down to the rack and realized I was on the wrong side of the rack. Lifted it over and slid under the rack and started my T2. Shoes were a little tough to get on but I was out and gone pretty quick. What would you do differently?: Make sure I remember what side of the rack I'm on. ![]() Run
Comments: Came out of transition feeling pretty good. Look down at my Garmin and saw that I was starting out way too fast. Okay, slow down the pace. So I slow down cruise for a while, look down at my watch again. Crap, I'd sped back up. I'm gonna blow my engine if I don't slow down. Slow the pace again, and about 3/4 of a mile in I'm back running too fast. And then it happened. Suddenly my legs felt dead and it seemed like the road stretched out forever in front of me. I look at my watch and my pace had dropped way off. I had popped. Alright stay cool, just keep it here and recover. And the road went on forever and ever. Is that turnaround ever gonna get here? Finally hit the turnaround and head back for home. Somewhere along the way a giant gorilla had climbed up on my back. I was really feeling it right about now, both from the bike and from going to fast too soon. I wrestled with that gorilla the entire middle section of the run. I finally managed to shake him with about half a mile to go and managed to pick up my pace again to something more along the lines of what I was looking for. Finished strong and crossed the line just a hair over an hour and a mere 15 secs. behind my training partner.....damn! What would you do differently?: Slow down and recover from the bike and save up for a stronger and longer finish. ![]() Post race
Warm down: Crossed the line and felt on the verge of puking. Walked around and cooled off. They had breakfast foods, iced coffee, beer, and mimosas available as well as water and sports drinks. I helped myself to a beer and rejoined my family. Met up with the two other guys I ride a lot with to find out I had once again come in last of the three of us. Thats okay though, had the bike been longer I would have caught my training partner. It was a lot of fun though, and I was really happy with the strides I'd made in swimming. What limited your ability to perform faster: I don't think I hydrated well enough. Granted it was only a sprint that lasted an hour but I didn't even finish one bottle. Also just my pacing off of the bike and maybe pushing a little too hard on the hills with my bike. Very happy with my performance overall. Event comments: Very well run race. Was a lot of fun and had a good turnout. Last updated: 2012-08-20 12:00 AM
United States
Soler's Sports
75F / 24C
Overall Rank = 77/258
Age Group = Clydesdales
Age Group Rank = 4/19
Woke up. Grabbed some coffee, a banana, and a trail mix bar and hit the door. Loaded up all the gear in my jeep and headed out to meet on of my training buddies to carpool. Got our bikes loaded up and away we went. Arrived just as transition was opening up. Got marked, racked the bikes, laid out our transition area, on with the timing chip, and headed to the pool.
Really nervous about the swim because of my last abysmal performance in it. Just some light stretching and activity to get the blood flow to my arms, back, and shoulders. It was a time trial start in a pool and I was deep in the field so I found a pool lounge chair and tried to relax.