Comments: Best swim in a race so far. Great navigation. Transition 1
Comments: Timing chip got hung up in wetsuit. Bike
Comments: Drank about half a bottle of water on bike. No other nutrition. What would you do differently?: Could have gone a little harder. Transition 2
What would you do differently?: Should have checked the course better, I could have easily taken off my shoes on the bike. Run
Comments: Best run ever. Neg split. First time I've run sub 8's! Post race
Warm down: Coconut water and a massage. STAND ON THE PODIUM!!! What limited your ability to perform faster: While this was my best run to date, I still have room for improvement. Keep woking on run. Get more sleep, in a bed, not after a LONG car ride. Event comments: USA Productions puts on a great race. Awesome volunteers, high energy emcee. A+! First ever podium. I.LOVE!THIS.SPORT! Last updated: 2012-08-21 12:00 AM
United States
USA Productions
Overall Rank = 39/272
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 3/17
I signed up for this race on 24 hours notice. Drove 6 1/2 hours and got about 4 hours sleep. Dinner: 2 sweet potatoes and pasta. Breakfast: 2 pkgs Trader Joe's oatmeal with a banana.
1 GU Roctane 1/2 hour before swim.
Not much, walked from car to T1 a couple of times. Swam for about 5 minutes before wave start.