BeeBumble - Run5k

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Burnettsville, Indiana
United States
49F / 9C
Total Time = 00m
Overall Rank = 4/287
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 1/22
Event warmup:

1 mile run
  • 20m 14s
  • 3.1 miles
  • 06m 32s  min/mile

Great event and good run for me. 1st speed run since the stress fracture, so I wasn't sure how I would perform. Goal was to break 21min. Started out at a threshold pace of 6:22 for the 1st mile, backed off a little, because I haven't ran that hard for a long time and was sure if I could hold it. Mile 2 was 6:40 and was a pace I could hold without suffering, stay strong through mile 3 6:36 and ran it in. I was very pleased that I haven't lost to much speed and placing 4th overall out of 287 people was a suprise.
What would you do differently?:

nothing just getting back into running from an injury.
Post race
Event comments:

One of the best races around, for $18 you get a dry fit shirt, a full breakfast, one of the largest goodie bags around, and chip timing. Great volunteers,people and friendly town.

Last updated: 2012-09-22 12:00 AM
00:20:14 | 03.1 miles | 06m 32s  min/mile
Age Group: 1/22
Overall: 4/287
Performance: Good
Course: out and back no real hills
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 5