Comments: (Data is based on official timing rather than Garmin) Right, so the waves were huge. I needed a surfboard. It was hard yakka going out. On-shore winds - which at least made the swim back in eaiser - and like I said, massive massive waves. It was like a rollercoaster. I've never swam under so many waves in my life! On the swim out I found myself doing breaststroke at some point to keep breathing air - not water - but once I rounded the first buoy, things got better. I found a rhythm and got going. Rounding the other buoy went well and I started to catch waves in - until one smashed me into the guide buoys. But it was okay. What would you do differently?: Nothing I could do. I mean, when the waves are so big, the best you can do is just get through it! I'm amazed it only took me 14mins. I expected to see 20min, lol Transition 1
Comments: So I took a few moments in T1 to catch my breath because that swim was just so huge. Other than that, everything else was pretty normal. What would you do differently?: Nothing. Bike
Comments: I had a great ride. The wind was bad and it alternated between crosswind, headwind and tailwind as the road meandered along the coast, so there were some advantages in there. I spent quite a bit of time on the big chainring and flew along at 45kph with the tailwind. I got annoyed by the constant drafting and people who have no idea how to keep left! I got blocked in quite a few times but didn't abuse anyone. What would you do differently?: Stay down in aero a bit more. I need to alter my aero position so it's more comfortable. Transition 2
Comments: (Data based on Garmin data. No official data yet. Weird.) I went sockless today and didn't score blisters but it did make it harder to put my shoes on (and subsequently get them off later)! What would you do differently?: Not much. Run
Comments: (No official data. This is Garmin data.) I had an awesome run today. The course out was into the wind and the return had a tail/cross wind most of the way. I felt really good on the run today. It was cooler than last race, so that helped. But the legs felt strong and I was able to push quite hard, so very very happy with this run. What would you do differently?: Go harder in the final km. Post race
Warm down: Walking. Drinking. What limited your ability to perform faster: Wind & waves. Event comments: Despite the crazy weather and waves, I had a good race. Once I was out of the water, I just felt right again. I had fun 'competing' on the bike leg with the other Athenas and loved overtaking them on the run. Need to find a way to go faster though. 3min between first place and me. Last updated: 2012-11-04 12:00 AM
SuperSprint Events
21C / 70F
Overall Rank = 727/1035
Age Group = Athena
Age Group Rank = 2/8
Usual stuff. Pack the car the night before. Get up at stupid o'clock, have breakfast, get to the event early. And yes, very very early today.
No warm up. The conditions this morning were disgusting. A cold front moved through with 70kph winds just before we started. And oh my were the waves big. So I spent a long time standing on the beach freaking out.