Charlotte's Thunder Road Marathon - RunMarathon

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Charlotte, North Carolina
United States
Run Charlotte
Total Time = 3h 57m 39s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

As I mentioned in my City of Oaks race report, I had this crazy idea to gain Marathon Maniacs membership but running this race just 2 weeks after CoO. I felt ok going in to it, I only ran a total of 10 miles between the two races but I wanted to give myself a few days of rest after, then we went out of town the following weekend and I ran just twice in the week leading up to this race, more of a "all systems go" check to see if anything felt weird.

I had this weird pain in my right ankle area but it seemed to do ok with some Rock tape so I tried to not think about it.

We left the house later then I wanted to on Friday and he hit major traffic to Charlotte. I started to really sweat that I would miss packet pick up, and with no race day pick up I would be screwed. I didn't exhale until we pulled into the expo parking lot and I ran in to get my stuff. They were out of size small shirts (major bummer but hopefully I will get one mailed) and by that point I just wanted to get checked into the hotel and eat dinner, even though this looked to be a nice expo. We stayed at the Westin (my treat to myself for this little adventure) and it was hosting a hoard of high school kids for a conference. I was a tad annoyed as they all just kinda stood around in very large groups and made it hard to move around, my blood pressure was rising! Once we made it to the room I chilled a bit, but not too long as I needed to eat!

There was a pizza place just a block up so we walked there and ordered food and a much needed beer. The pizza was kinda bland but that worked for a pre race meal. As we were walking back the hoards of high school kids were leaving the convention center. I knew we would be stuck in the elevator line for ever so we diverted to the hotel lobby for a drink. Sadly I stuck with water as I have a one beer limit the night before races but it was still nice to enjoy the surroundings. (I LOVE hotel bars for some reason.)

Once back at the room I showered, taped my ankle and pulled on compression socks for the night. I had a hard time falling asleep and then woke up multiple times for some reason but felt ok when the alarm went off at 6am. I started the pre race ritual with coffee and a trip downstairs for a cold bagel. Things were flowing flawlessly and after a last minute wardrobe change we set off for the start line around 7:15 for the 7:45 start (weird start time right?!)
Event warmup:

Found a "cozy" spot in front of an art museum to block the wind, smart move! It was cold and the wind was whipping. I was nervous about being cold on the run but I figured as long as my hands were warm in my cheap target gloves I would be ok. I started to question my sanity as I found a spot at the start line, here we go again I thought and with that the engines roared and we were off!
  • 3h 57m 36s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 09m 04s  min/mile

I started this race with zero expectations, I had a few nagging kinks in my legs from City of Oaks so I wasn't sure how the day would pan out. I reminded myself that I can only control my attitude so I was just going to enjoy this "victory lap" and see what I can do.

The start was not at all crowded, I settled in to a nice pace and had enough open space around me to keep me calm. The first couple miles were under 9 min miles, hmm ok, I felt ok so I kept it going. There were music groups scattered along the course and the first was a high school marching band, I LOVE marching bands so I instantly had this overwhelming feeling of pure joy...I felt amazing, the day was beautiful and I just felt so grateful to be able to run! I am sure I had a perma-grin on my face as I kept cranking out miles under 9 mins. We ran through some pretty swank neighborhoods so I was enjoying the multi million dollar scenery, reminded me a lot of running Richmond 2 years ago.

My half marathon split was 1:55, I was surprised how fast I was going despite the leg fatigue and the hills on this course. I saw our friend Meg on her bike and she encouraged me along and said Scottie was just behind me, he had helped a seizure victim- yikes! Sure enough he rode up behind me and explained how someone went down just in front of him at mile 6 (I was running a tad faster then I told him I was running-whoops!) Luckily, our office provided first aid training just a month or so ago and he knew exactly how to access the situation and help out. So proud :) He rode and chatted with me a few miles, I felt pretty good, my legs were starting to feel tired and my left hip was a tad tight but nothing too serious, I was staying positive and just plugging along. Scottie said if I kept up the pace I could break 4 hours. While I didn't have a set time goal, part of me wondered if I could pull off a sub 4 PR on less then rested legs but I figured, this was the last hurrah, might as well see what I can do. We entered downtown again around mile 20 and the 4 hr pace group passed me, I deflated a bit. But I told myself not to judge a race successful on whether I PRed, this is suppose to be fun so keep it fun. With that I pressed on.

I will mention that the wind during the race was crazy, quite gusty in spots and COLD! I dealt with wind all through Ironman Florida and it made the day pretty crappy, I tried to not let it get to me but it was tough powering up hills with wind in your face, relentless I tell ya!

At mile 20 I reminded myself to keep my head in the game, don't let the wheels fall off, if I could maintain my pace I could break 4 hrs. I grabbed a pack of Black Cherry Shot Bloks (delicious!) and decided to take one each mile, this would help me sort of tick off the miles. I would not let myself stop at that would be the end of it. Scottie met up with me again and re-affirmed that my current pace would get me to my new goal time, it was so nice having him there but I also knew I was on the verge of loosing it. I literally put my head down and just ran. A guy saw my pink Ironman visor and asked which race I did. We talked a bit (he did Florida just 2 weeks ago, good to know I wasn't the only crazy person out there!) and I felt like I must have had the worse facial expressions, things started to hurt and I was just powering my legs as fast as they would go.

Before I knew it I was at mile 25, I had like 12 minutes left before I hit 4 hours which was totally doable but I would not let my mind relax and start to celebrate, Scottie rolled up again and said I just had a few turns to go. With about 3/4 of a mile left he said I had 8 minutes to go, I remember stating this wasn't that bad but he said "Do Not Let Up!" I told him to essentially shut up, but he said I was so close he wanted me to do this. I powered up what I thought was the last hill then I turn and it was an effin up hill finish!!! WTH! I almost died but I saw the clock roll over to 3:59 and pushed every last ounce of energy I had to cross that line. I was totally a jerk and passed people in the chute but I didn't care, I wanted to be sure I broke 4!

Post race
Warm down:

I crossed the line and started ugly crying. I couldn't believe I just finished a second marathon in 2 weeks, broke 4 hours and got a new PR. I don't think the volunteers knew what to do with me, it was like they parted ways to let me through lol.

I got my thermal blanket, medal, water and some chips and found Scottie at the end of the chute. I started sobbing as I hugged him. I was just completely spent.

We took some pictures and found the beer tent and found a sunny spot to chill a bit. He deserved a beer as much as I did so it was nice to relax and reflect on the day. I apologized for getting pissy near the end and he said he pushed me because he knew I would be super pissed if I missed my goal by a few seconds....and he would be right :) After we finished our beers I started feeling kinda icky and knew I wanted to head back to the room to clean up and get a recovery shake in me.

And with this race I am officially Marathon Maniac #6166!

Event comments:

This was a really well run race. Despite the fact that they ran out of shirts at the expo (hopefully I will get one mailed to me soon) there were plenty of aid stations, lots of porta potties and shot bloks, YUM! The finishing area was also quite nice with the band, booths and patio heaters-heaven! The spectators were also out in full force, there were only a few stretches were it was a tad desolate but the neighborhoods really came out to support- always nice to see! I would highly recommend this race.

Last updated: 2012-11-06 12:00 AM
03:57:36 | 26.2 miles | 09m 04s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]