Comments: Great swim for me, started off the the left and back. just kept an easy pace. passed one person in a wave ahead of me which is quite a feat. What would you do differently?: nothing, this was a good swim Transition 1
Comments: I didn't stop my watch so I don't know the transition time. Went pretty smoothly. Decided not to use bike gloves which saved alittle time. What would you do differently?: Possibly forgo the socks next time. Bike
Comments: This was a good bike for me, kept my speed up even on the hills. Felt really good. However, towards the end started getting some R butt pain - felt like sciatica but it was gone when I finished the bike. What would you do differently?: Get into the aerobars more. Still learning to use these and not quite 100% secure on them. Transition 2
Comments: Someone crammed their bike onto our rack so it was difficult re-racking, had to move a few bikes over. What would you do differently?: nothing, went pretty smoothly. Don't remember the transtion time, erased the info by accident :( Run
Comments: the run went better than in the past events here. Felt very good even off the bike and did NO bricks at all prior to this race! Ran the entire time, no hip pain at all! What would you do differently?: nothing, this was such a good run for me :) Post race
Warm down: some stretching, drank weter, met up with sarah, pam and pam. What limited your ability to perform faster: I actually improved my time by 17 minutes from last year so I am very happy with the results. I am stumped however by the times of each event and the overall time. I didn't get the timing on my transitions so I'm thinking that that must be the reason for the discrepency. Event comments: TBF does a great job with their races. My coach and friend sarah took first in her age group and she wasn't even going to do the race until i talked her into it :) I looked for the BTers that were racing but didn't find them :( I really enjoyed this race and think I'll do the one in July. Last updated: 2006-06-08 12:00 AM
United States
TBF Racing
Overall Rank = 395/434
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 15/21
oatmeal, banana, toast, milk. picked up sarah and met the 2 pams then drove down to the race. Met up with my boss and her husband who was racing, took some pics.
ran 10 min, biked 10 min, swam 5-10 min, ate a gel and drank fluids prior to race