Comments: I was able to catch my breath on the run out to transition. This was a great swim for me - probably my fastest 500yd to date at 9m. What would you do differently?: Nothing, but keep working on my stroke to get faster. Transition 1
Comments: This was my first time trying to transition with my shoes clipped in and for the most part, went ok. I had a little problem getting my wet feet into the shoes even with the foot powder. What would you do differently?: Next time, don't velcro my shoe straps at all and give my feet as much room as possible to slip in. Bike
Comments: I felt really strong on the bike other than drinking too much. It wasn't too hot on the course, but I assumed I needed to replenish my fluids. Well my stomach started feeling a little uneasy and I had to spit out a mouthful of Accelerade or I was going to puke. I had a little lead on "Triathlonfun" and saw him after I hit the turnaround. I pushed as much as possible so he wouldn't catch me and he didn't - well, until the first half mile of the run. What would you do differently?: Nothing other than manage my fluid intake better. Transition 2
Comments: I had a little problem getting my shoes off and placing my feet on top at the end of the bike. Well one went smoothly and the other didn't. There was a sharp turn right before the bike off area, so that didn't help much. I started to feel a small cramp in my left calf as I was slipping my running shoes on. I grabbed my race belt, exchanged hats and took off. What would you do differently?: I need to spend more time working on my transitions. But I was still happy with today's performance. I took roughly 20s off of both T1 & T2 since my last race. Run
Comments: I ran out of gas. Do you ever have the feeling that you want to run faster, but you just can't get your legs going? Well, that was me. I didn't take any water during the run and didn't feel I needed any. What would you do differently?: Just train more. I am really happy with my progress during my first year of triathlons and can't wait until 2007. Post race
Warm down: The warm-down consisted of water, walking around eating a little. I waited to see if I won the $1600 bike they were giving away - I came home with only one bike. Event comments: This was a well run race, although I got into the water a little behind schedule. I would definitely do this race again. Last updated: 2006-06-09 12:00 AM
United States
Fall Frenzy Triathlon
68F / 20C
Overall Rank = 22/215
Age Group = M35-39
Age Group Rank = 6/52
Woke up early and drank my normal routine of OJ. I didn't eat anything knowing we would have a 3 hour wait from the time transition opened to when my swim heat would go off. During the wait for my heat, I also had a banana and CLIF Bar with water - probably too much water. I must have taken 5 potty breaks before my swim. I saw and spoke with several BT'ers before and after the race.
Virtually no warm-up, other than walking to and from the transition area and pool.