The Milk Mile - Run

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Seattle, Washington
United States
82F / 28C
Total Time = 07m 8s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Went to West Seattle Fest and had:

1 Fried chicken drumstick
1 Kahlua Pork Lettuce Wrap
2 Beers (one Lucille IPA, one To Hell or High Watermelon Wheat)
1 scoop cookie dough ice-cream in waffle cone
1/2 Cuban sammy
Event warmup:

Soooo, we were at a festival all day and I just happened to throw my singlet, shorts and shoes in the car saying, "Hey, just in case we don't have time to come home."

As it turned out the above pre-race routine took all day :) and we in fact did not have time to go home. While I was somewhat prepared I still didn't have socks or sunglasses but hey, I can live life on the edge.

Anyway, I got to the stadium and it was last call for the estimate your time mile. I figured I had better get some kind of warm up in and hey, I could even do it with a full belly to simulate the milk mile. I shoved the half Cuban sandwich down my throat, put on my shorts, shoes (no socks) and singlet and reported to the start line.

I predicted a 7:45. No reason behind that. Just cause.
They had us all lift our wrists to be sure we werent wearing watches and then the gun fired.
We took off. It was hot and I had no sunglasses. Between the bright sun and the fact that sunscreen was dripping into my eyes I pretty much squinted for the whole mile. They leave the clock on for the first lap and I came in around 1:50. A touch fast but I figured I was on track enough. I attempted to slow her down just a wee bit in laps 2 and 3. Final lap came and I couldn't tell if I was going a little fast or that it was just hot.

I came in a 7:23. DAMMMN I was way off!!

Anyway, I went back to the stands to mentally prepare for the milk mile.
  • 07m 8s
  • 1 miles
  • 07m 07s  min/mile

Drinking amt, TOO MUCH! HAHA

Alright, so, rules are drink, run a lap, drink, run a lap, drink, run a lap, drink , run a lap to finish. Once you finished you had to remain puke free for 1 full minute in order to not get penalized.

We were handed our delicious frothy glasses of milk in nostalgic red solo cups at the start. We were told that they would fire the gun, we were to drink and then we could cross the start line.

"On your marks!" We got in our best runner's stances, cups in had, "BANG!" We all began chugging.

I had discussed several strategy options. "I'm either going to drink slow, run fast or run slow drink fast." I had said to J and some friends earlier. "Why not drink fast run fast?" said J.

Having not practiced at all, I had to wing it. Why not drink fast run fast?

So drink fast I did. I finished my cup, showed the judge it was empty and off I went. I ran well for the first one, un-phased by the milk. I came into the "transition/drinking" area and got another cup. It went down fairly smooth and I took off for my second lap.

At the end of the second lap my stomach as a little unhappy. I drank a little slower and tried to catch my breath a little.

Off I went for my third lap. I was definitely feeling it this time. My belly was so full. I could hear it sloshing around (or maybe that was the two beers and the ice cream cone from earlier?)

I came in to drink my last cup. This one was very slow. OK, I kinda felt like puking. I had to hold it together, only one lap to go!

I took off, this time much slower. I figured I would benefit from slowing down, even by 30 seconds rather than facing the humiliation of puking in front of everyone and getting a 1:00 penalty.

I rounded the corner and into the final straightway. Victory seemed so close!

I sped up, but not toooo much and crossed the line, cautiously victorious.

Now all I had to do was hold it down for another minute. I stood there on the track, trying NOT to look at the discarded cups of milk and milk jugs.

46, 47, 48 c'mon I can do this!!!


Ok, ok, it sounds cooler than it was. I was the only female participating! lol!

A few other people came in across the finish line then had to wait their minute then it was all over.

The milk king and I, the queen, came to the podium, holding our trophies high for the world to see (we won a gallon of milk each)

So this was the inaugural event which means my time will be the first in the record books, the one to beat next year! Some women had better step up!
What would you do differently?:

I could probably push it a little more.
I bet if I hadn't eaten all that crap earlier I could have been a little faster. I probably could have done a proper warm-up, too? ;)

Who am I kidding, this was just for fun. I wouldn't change a thing!
Post race
Warm down:

Watched the elite men and women's mile then went home!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Milk? Beer? Icecream? Chicken?

Event comments:

So many drink stations :)

Profile Album

Last updated: 2013-06-07 12:00 AM
00:07:08 | 01 miles | 07m 07s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Course: If you love milk and running, well why not combine the two? There many reasons why not to combine these two things like the high likelihood of an upset stomach, but for those very reasons the milk mile has gained much allure! The event starts with the competitors drinking a cup of milk and then running a lap. At the completion of each lap the competitor will drink another cup and then run another lap. The race will consist of consuming four cups of milk and running the four laps that make up a mile. The fastest milk-drinker and lap-runner will be the victor. Any “up chucking” will impose a 1:00 minute addition to their time, so train your gut, lungs, legs, and mind to be strong in order to tackle this event!
Keeping cool Below average Drinking Too much
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race? Yes
Course challenge
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]