Lawyers Have Heart - Run

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Washington, DC
United States
American Heart Association
70F / 21C
Total Time = 39m 6s
Overall Rank = 60/2320
Age Group = M25-29
Age Group Rank = 19/255
Pre-race routine:

I totally screwed up. Set my weekday alarm but not my weekend alarm. JD called me at 6:35 wondering where I was. Jumped out of bed, threw on some clothes, forgot to eat, drink anything. Booked it to the start. Arrived at 7:05, which ended up being fine. Felt frazzled and rushed.
Event warmup:

  • 39m 6s
  • 6.2 miles
  • 06m 24s  min/mile

Overall, this was a well-paced race. JD started out at a pace that I knew was too fast. He was ahead of me for the first 4.5 miles but then I kicked it up a notch from that point and churned out a fast mile 5. I was crushing at the end--ran 5:22 pace for the last 0.2 miles.

I definitely ran a negative split race, which is a nice bonus--haven't done that in a long time!

All in all, a great race--felt good!
What would you do differently?:

I definitely should have tried to average a faster pace--had way too much in the tank at the end. I guess I was being conservative after doing the 4-miler last Sunday--I haven't done this kind of intense racing in half a decade.
Post race
Warm down:


What limited your ability to perform faster:

Screwed up morning. Also, started in the 8:00 pace group, which meant that my first 0.5 miles were really tight.

Event comments:

Fun to see all the lawyers running!

Last updated: 2013-06-08 12:00 AM
00:39:06 | 06.2 miles | 06m 24s  min/mile
Age Group: 19/255
Overall: 60/2320
Performance: Good
mile 1: 6:23 mile 2: 6:13 mile 3: 6:28 mile 4: 6:18 mile 5: 6:19 mile 6: 5:57 last 0.2: 5:22 pace 5K split: 19:50 (6:23 pace) Finish: 39:06 (6:18 pace)
Course: Starting near the Georgetown movie theater. East under Whitehurst Parkway to the onramp and then out 3 miles on Canal St. Turnaround and back to the start.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3