Comments: I went out planning to push hard because of the short distance. Without checking my time, I'm pleased to see that I maintained a very fast pace (for me) for the entire duration. Transition 1
Comments: No timing. Timing mats were at the exit of the pool building, mount line, and run exit/finish. Bike
Comments: Again, my legs never really felt like they cam alive on this ride. I'm shocked to see that I averaged 21 mph - it felt a lot slower. I really had to focus and keep pushing against my legs that were just sort of bleh for the entire ride. The rough course didn't help matters, at one point a pothole snuck up out of the shade on me and my bike made such a horrifying snapping noise it sounded like I cracked my fork Transition 2
Comments: This felt okay, but I was feeling a little cooked after what felt like such a strained bike effort. I knew I was setting myself up for this, but I was willing to sacrifice the run for the sake of an improved ride. The impact wasn't too harsh. I think this is the fastest 5k I've ever run (even on a solo effort). Post race
Event comments: Great community race. well organized. I had fun, and it looked like there were lots of first-timers having a good time triing as well. Last updated: 2013-07-31 12:00 AM
United States
Durango Parks and Recreation
Overall Rank = 3/65
Age Group = M 30-39
Age Group Rank = 2/9