Comments: Swimming was generally good. I managed to sustain front crawl throughout with some short check on the navigation with breast stroke. What would you do differently?: Get a new HRM tat works underwater and does not malfunction frequently. Transition 1
Comments: Realised at this point that the HRM did not work. Decided to skip wearing socks for bike leg. Wore glove but had problem trying to put it on. What would you do differently?: Maybe i should skip wearing glove altogether but must try out during training first. Bike
Comments: Aerodrink splash proof wiremesh dropped just as I get out on the road. Water splashed on my face. Decided to empty half of the bottle to reduce splashing. Generally the ride was good except for the last 10km, I struggled a bit. Stop midway after 20km to have my Powergel before I continue the ride. What would you do differently?: More bike training to improve bike endurance and overall fitness level. Transition 2
Comments: Was looking for socks to wear for run but couldn't find. Realised later tat I didn't bring socks along for the race. What would you do differently?: Bring along everything that i need and decides to use or not to use later. Run
Comments: I think the running was ok. Was able to maintain a good pace and overtake a few people along the way. Picked up speed along the way especially around the 2nd half. However, my feet hurts from the abrasion with the shoe. Midway, I stop feeling the pain anymore and continue running until the end. About 1km before finishing, I start to pick up speed. I opened up my pace on the last 500m and dashed and overtake a few people before i finished. What would you do differently?: Maybe I should have a spare stop watch in case the one tat i wear malfunction. This is the 2nd time that my HRM malfunction during the race. Will remind myself to always wear socks for running to avoid abrasion. Should have tried that during training first. Never to try anything new during the race. Post race
Warm down: Forgotten about warming down as I realised that my legs bleeds from the abrasion. I was limping all the way to the hotel. What limited your ability to perform faster: Insufficient cycling mileage and perhaps need to do more brick workout. Event comments: Generally it was a good race. I like the course of the race and it is certainly a MUST DO race yearly. Lots of elite participants from Singapore. This is definitely a better race than OSIM. I think I had performed my best but I am sure I could do better in the upcoming ones. Last updated: 2006-07-03 12:00 AM
Triathlon Malaysia.com
Overall Rank = 240/430
Age Group = 30 - 39
Age Group Rank = 81/124
The day before upon arrival, collected race kit and watch the Sprint event. Try to familiarise the Transition area and the race course. Had carbo loading dinner organised by Triathlon Association of Malaysia, the race organiser and tried to go to bed early. But I have difficulties sleeping. Woke up a couple of times throughout the night.
Got up at 5:30am, had shower and breakfast. Took some porridge and two slices of bread with fried eggs and chicken franks. Went back to the hotel room to change and report to the transition for body marking around 7:20am.
Didn't have much time for warmup. Just before the race starts, swim lightly and tread water until the race commence.