Krispy Kreme Challenge - Run

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Raleigh, North Carolina
United States
Krispy Kreme Challenge
Total Time = 55m 31s
Overall Rank = 917/3389
Age Group = M35-39
Age Group Rank = 93/313
Pre-race routine:

Took a shot at the Krispy Kreme Challenge a few year's back with Tim and we just missed the 1hr cutoff. We had an awesome time, and ever since then I've always wanted to go back and give it another shot. I love Raleigh, so Slake, Jeff, Will (who unfortunately had to bail last minute) and I planned a boy's weekend to head down and give it a try.

We jumped in the man van Friday morning and drove down. After checking into the Day's Inn, we headed over to packed pickup. Decided we should eat a few donuts just to get a feel for it. :-)
Afterwards, we walked around, had too big of a dinner at a good BBQ place, and hit a few bars before turning in for a reasonably early night.
Event warmup:

Woke up and got ready. Jeff's stomach was already not feeling great (too much BBQ?), but we did get a good parking spot pretty close and walked to the tower for the start. Plan was to have Jeff and I stick together and since Slake was a faster eater and slower runner with some injuries, he would leapfrog with us.

  • 55m 31s
  • 5 miles
  • 11m 06s  min/mile

They changed the course to make it a bit safer and accommodate all the extra runners. This also results in a longer course, so now you have to run an extra .5mi each way. We started a bit faster than we expected, but the group was moving pretty fast and we felt ok, so we went with it. We also could use all the time we could get so it was ok. Goal was 20min out, 12min eat, 23min back for 55min total.

We probably pulled into the parking lot and grabbed our box ~18min. Jeff's stomach ache wasn't any better though, so he was struggling right from the first donuts. I decided to smash several together this time and that helped. I was doing 2-3 at a time and really got through the first 6 quickly. Slake pulled in and started catching up right away. The last 4 were pretty awful, but I remembered from experience that it's always better to keep eating and struggle through it. The eating is the worst part. Once you swallow, it isn't really that much volume. It's more a matter of your body starting to reject all that sugar!

Slake finished up and headed out. I waited a few minutes for Jeff whom was now employing some strange strategy of ripping the donuts into a million pieces like some rabid animal. His last 4 donuts were ripped into scraps and he would start one and then move on to another before finishing. Bizarre, but whatever works.

We finished up and headed out to run back. It's pretty rolling terrain so we just tried to stay steady. I knew if we didn't stop we would make the cutoff, so I was messing around a bit and people watching. We ran a bit with Slake, but his back was suffering, so he would fall back a bit as we went. We finally got back to the tower and were pleasantly surprised how much time we had left under the cutoff! I finally crossed that one off the list!
What would you do differently?:

Nothing. I was planning on trying to eat chips in between donuts to get some salt and cleanse my palate, but the bag fell out of my pocket literally 5 seconds into the race!
Post race
Warm down:

Cheered on others for a few and then drove back to hotel to shower.
Walked to lunch and decided to drink the entire beer list via 4oz. samplers.
Good times!

Event comments:

This is an awesome experience. Everyone should try it once!

Last updated: 2013-11-14 12:00 AM
00:55:31 | 05 miles | 11m 06s  min/mile
Age Group: 93/313
Overall: 917/3389
Performance: Average
Course: 2.5mi. out, 12 Krispy Kreme Donuts, 2.5mi. back.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Below average
Race evaluation [1-5] 5