Comments: Got rolled at the very end by a strong shore break..pretty funny...ended up on my back washed up on shore. Transition 1
Comments: Wetsuit stuck on left calf, despite tons of body glide. 5th out of transition for all yellow caps. Bike
Comments: Very good bike. 5 min faster than any previous Carlsbad Transition 2
Comments: Decent transition, Right Hamstring very , very sore after getting off bike. Bike seat position changed yesterday, very loose and B&L helped me out but I think the change altered my leg position and lead to a sore right leg. Run
Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster: Week of Diareaa and stomach pain. Still had a great race. Event comments: Out of water after the race....only Amino Vital...bad tasting crap. Last updated: 2006-07-09 12:00 AM
United States
City of Carlsbad
80F / 27C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 8/
Arrived early good transition spot
10 min run/ ocean swim