Auckland Marathon 2014 - RunMarathon

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Auckland, North Island
16C / 61F
Total Time = 3h 29m 6s
Overall Rank = 281/2906
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 16/184
Pre-race routine:

Up at 2:30am because of the need to get the 4:20am ferry to the start! But because of time difference between Auckland and home this was really 11:30pm body time and it made it a very long day from the body perspective!

2x strong coffee and a bowl of noodles in the apartment. 1 banana about 30 mins before start.
Event warmup:

15 min gentle stretching in apartment before leaving.

5 mins of very gentle jog. Did not want to do anything that would inflame the R) Achilles tendon. Actually was relatively pain-free the by the start.

No issues with the R) adductor at the start.
  • 3h 29m 6s
  • 42.19 kms
  • 04m 58s  min/km

Given the injury interrupted preparation [ R) Achilles and R) adductor] and the slow recovery from the last marathon in July I was unable to do any long runs in the lead up. 21km was the longest I was able to do and that was only once in the training cycle. Not the ideal lead up for a marathon.

Given this lack of distance work and also the Achilles injury meaning no chance of doing any hill work or pace work it was inevitable that while I would complete the distance, I would be lacking any ability to hold a fast pace over the whole way. So the strategy was that if it was going to be ugly at the end in any event, I may as well try and see if I could post a reasonable first half and then see where the cards lay over the last half.

Last year this race was my first completed marathon in 4 years due to either non starts or non finishes due to injury. Having sorted out the main problem last August I was able to get enough training in to run a conservative Auckland Marathon and finally get one under the belt again. And so over the next 12 months I completed 3 more marathons (incl. this one) and 3 half marathons. A very good (record in fact) year in all respects even though this marathon was the toughest ever.

During the first half I averaged 4:39 per km which is very respectable given how hilly it is a but the second half was a big struggle with L) hamstring cramp from 28km. Again the left leg rears it's ugly head in long races!

I had to stop 9 times(!) in the last half to fend off cramp and this pushed my average pace out to 5:15 per km. Very disappointing but I got the the end despite a monumental mental and physical struggle to get there!

Despite all the issues, I ran 5 minutes quicker than last year :)
What would you do differently?:

Apart from doing more long runs ( i.e. be uninjured enough to be able to do them), the main issue going forward will be to sort out the ongoing saga of weakness (?) in the L) leg - specifically the hamstrings but the whole kinetic chain needs review.
Post race
Warm down:

Traditional beer at the end (!) plus a 10 min. recovery massage on both legs - calves and hamstrings only.

15 min. walk back to apartment.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

As said above I need to find a cure for this L) hamstring cramp which is becoming a (sad) feature of long races.

Event comments:

Very scenic course. Well organised.

Last updated: 2014-02-06 12:00 AM
03:29:06 | 42.19 kms | 04m 58s  min/km
Age Group: 16/184
Overall: 281/2906
Performance: Bad
1st half: 1:38:06 2nd half: 1:51:00 Average HR: 156 Maximum HR: 167
Course: Devonport (start) -> Takapuna -> Harbour Bridge -> Mission Bay -> Victoria Park (finish)
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? No
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 4