Vermont City Marathon (Half Relay) - Run

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Burlington, Vermont
United States
Run Vermont
65F / 18C
Total Time = 2h 12m 27s
Overall Rank = 705/927
Age Group = relay
Age Group Rank = 705/927
Pre-race routine:

Usual Carb, peanut butter and a banana. I think the bagel was too heavy - should have gone lighter. I ended up fighting a side stitch for the first few miles but I finally got it to calm down.
Event warmup:

Mile 1 was my warmup :)
  • 2h 12m 27s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 10m 07s  min/mile

Yikes. There was no doubt I went into this under trained because I had a horrible winter. Between tax season hours, stress etc and my tendonitis flaring up my longest run in MONTHS was 8 miles. So my plan was to head out at my 10k pace plus 15 (at around 9:30) and hold on for dear life.

Besides being under trained, the uncontrollable part that freaked me out the most was the weather. And my worst prediction came true. It was 70 and sunny - which doesn't sound that hot but when there is little tree cover and the spring in New England has been relatively cool, this was a freakin HOT event.

I set out sticking to my pace pretty good through 6 miles. Then between mile 7 and 8 there was a hill to bring you out of an out and back on a closed highway (blazing sun too). At the top of the hill I thought "ok, that wasn't so bad, I can get some time back." But clearly, I couldn't. Things began to get harder and I felt the wheels coming off. By mile 12 I just wanted it to end. The only thing going through my mind was "just keep moving." At mile 12.5 I "ran into" a friend running the full so we chatted for a bit before I wished him well and off he went. Then FINALLY at 13.1 I hit the transition area and my teammate jumped out in front of me to take the reigns. All I could say was "it's hot, stay hydrated."

edited to add: Did I mention that my time was 2:12? Which is, in fact, my PR from last fall. I guess that means it felt worse than it was!
What would you do differently?:

I think I did everything I could. Everything was out of my control and I did the best I could.

DH was shooting for 3:25 but came in at 3:38. We rehashed the whole thing over and over again on the 4 hour car ride home today and we agree it was the weather. He was well prepared for the factors he could control.
Post race
Warm down:

The course was WELL organized and supported but the finish area was a cluster!!! I had a hard time getting anywhere because of the amount of people AND I couldn't even figure out where I needed to be.

My warm down ended up being walking back and forth for at least a mile (should have put my garmin back on for that) which actually was probably the best thing for me because my muscles were screaming anytime I stopped walking.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Running is bad for you.

(that's my mantra)

Event comments:

My family enjoyed the event so I'm sure I'll get another crack at it someday.

Last updated: 2014-03-06 12:00 AM
02:12:27 | 13.1 miles | 10m 07s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/927
Overall: 0/927
Performance: Below average 1 9:35.1 1.00 9:35 2 9:41.5 1.00 9:42 3 9:38.5 1.00 9:38 4 9:27.4 1.00 9:27 5 9:23.4 1.00 9:23 6 9:33.2 1.00 9:33 7 9:54.3 1.00 9:54 8 9:47.9 1.00 9:48 9 10:10.8 1.00 10:11 10 9:53.2 1.00 9:53 11 10:36.5 1.00 10:36 12 11:19.4 1.00 11:19 13 11:26.8 1.00 11:27 14 1:59.1 0.18 10:52 Summary 2:12:27.0 13.18 10:03
Course: Rolling Hills. I had the first half - I would say the 2nd half was probably worse.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? No
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3