Comments: Allowed myself to be distracted & slowed by a swimmer who didn't follow instructions and was passing sloppily mid-lane. I think I will really have to work on this for open water swims. Breathing all left-side, 2 stroke. Rested most laps kicking in sweet spot just after pushing off wall. What would you do differently?: I think I could have pushed a little harder, though probably not much. Transition 1
Comments: Long run to transition area. Some folks had shoes and towels just outside pool. This would definitely have helped. Didn't rush through transition as didn't want to forget anything. Hind shorts and warm bike shirt on over swimsuit - no problems. Running shoes w/o socks & toe clips. Bike
Comments: Felt good on bike. Liked wave start w/ slow swimmers first as it meant I passed lots of folks - only got passed twice. Pushed through most of the bike. What would you do differently?: Not much. Deep puddle crossing at end was difficult - fishtailed a bit. Maybe need to practice these? Transition 2
Comments: Tripped a little at dismount but didn't fall or slow. Found rack pretty easily, though someone else had racked in my spot so I had to rack on opposite side. Biked in running shoes so didn't have to change. Run
Comments: Definitely struggled to get my pace for awhile at start, but didn't have to walk. Half cup of gatorade/water mix just before midpoint. Stayed behind another runner most of second half - could have passed him but stayed with him until last 100 yds. Recovered most of strength by second half. What would you do differently?: Could have pushed a little harder on second half. Was afraid to start kick too soon because I didn't know if I'd make it up the hill if I did. Also, did know exactly where finish was from the hill so wasn't sure how hard to kick there - slowed down after top of hill 'cause of psych effect of not knowing how much farther it was. Post race
Event comments: Great folks, well organized, terrific volunteers - they were everywhere! I would have liked the pre-race meeting to be a little later in the day. It was at 1:30 PM on Saturday which meant we had to leave very early from out of town to make it, then had all afternoon and evening to kill. Okay, but a 5:00 or 6:00 pm meeting would have been much more efficient for us. Oh, yeah. Little detail. I WON THE BIKE! WAHOO! They gave away a nice tri bike and I won it! Hans at Treads was absolutely amazing about getting me the right fit and making sure the bike was right for me. If you're ever in Parker, give them your business! Last updated: 2006-08-01 12:00 AM
United States
Fall Frenzy Triathlon
Overall Rank = 156/289
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 34/65
Stretched a little. Didn't leave enough time for this. Stayed w/ friends about 40 min away. Wasn't changed into swimsuit and had to change in car. Not organized so wasted some time there. Had about 10 minutes to spare at pool, not much more. Pancakes (2) for breakfast ~ 2.5 hrs before race.