Cross Country Clash #3 - Run

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Broomfield Commons Open Space, Colorado
United States
Timberline Events
60F / 16C
Total Time = 39m 33s
Overall Rank = 22/26
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Left work earlier than last time to allow for the longer commute and changed in the car while Alex drove (NOT recommended, especially during rush hour!). Instead of arriving 1 min. before the start of the race, I was an hour early. Oh well. Maybe next time I can split the difference. Alex brought our flirty dog and it was cool to see her rolling around in the grass and having a good time meeting people. She definitely kept the mood light and made me grin.
Event warmup:

Picked up my bib (the people remembered me from when I came gasping across the finish line last time), then wandered around and chatted with some of the other women. Did some dynamic stretches and jogged around a bit. We've had a lot of thunderstorms and there was one rolling in as the race was getting started. Luckily, it headed to the south of us so we just got a little thunder. In addition to watching the weather, I watched with amusement as one of the teenaged runners literally bounced around like a ping pong ball. I think he'd had about 5 too many energy drinks!
  • 39m 33s
  • 3.9 miles
  • 10m 08s  min/mile

Because my knee was bothering me, I decided to do 4/1 run/walk intervals throughout. My Garmin battery died right before the race so I figured I'd just run at the pace that felt right and not worry about speed too much. I wore my watch and used the interval timer. Have to admit, it was really nice to ditch the icky, constricting HRM strap!

I tried to view this race as a training run rather than a race because of my knee. At the start, the two women I beat last time pulled away pretty quickly, as did the rest of the pack. I nearly caught up to a dad and his 9 y.o. daughter when it was time to drop to a walk. I let them go, almost caught them again, let them go, and so on. Meanwhile, the two women continued to pull farther away. At that point, I was pretty much running on my own so I started to focus on my surroundings more than on catching people. I didn't want to push myself too hard and cause more residual knee pain.

As I was running, I saw 3 robin egg shells on the path, a tween boy on a 6' unicycle riding on the cinder path behind his mom, and some people fishing in the pond. At mi. 1, I was pretty close to 10 m/m, which felt pretty good. I forgot to push the lap button and didn't get exact times for each mile, but it felt pretty consistent.

Around mi. 2, there was a bit of a hill. The 9 y.o. had dropped to a walk so I said, "Come on, you're supposed to stay in front of me!!" She picked up her pace a little, but then was too pooped to keep it up. Her dad (who was very fit and could obviously go faster), gave me a smile and wave as I went by. I noticed that my knee was gradually starting to hurt sooner and sooner into the run intervals. I tried to run through it for a bit, then decided to allow myself to walk when it got too uncomfortable. It was frustrating to have to walk. Walking always feels like giving up even though I know it isn't. Still, the combination of the pain and the having to walk sucked, as did hearing the cheers for the finishers knowing that I still had another 2 mi. and 20 min. to go to finish.

As I passed mi. 3, it started to sprinkle a little, just enough to feel like I was tingling. I wasn't hot (wore a tank and shorts), but it felt really refreshing. When I came to the grassy area and could see the finish flags, I decided to skip the walking and power through to the finish. I felt really strong, pumping my arms crossing the grass to the finish line. My first comment to the RD was, "Hey, I can still talk this time!"
What would you do differently?:

Get a knee replacement? Seriously, the only thing I'd change would be to bring some water. My mouth got pretty dry by the end. The run/walk interval ratio seemed just about right and I made the right call to allow myself to walk earlier as needed.
Post race
Warm down:

Grabbed a warmer shirt and a rain jacket as the rain moved in, then ordered a mushroom pizza from the food truck (yum!!). Got a Dr. Pepper from the "beer garden" (an old cooler with some canned sodas and local brews) and chatted with the "beer garden" attendant a little while waiting for the award ceremony. I made sure to cheer in the 9 y.o. and her dad and the two final finishers. The last runner wore a t-shirt that said, "I may be slower than a herd of turtles in peanut butter, but at least I'm running." Gotta hand it to her. She might have been last, but she WAS running when she crossed the line and she finished with a grin.

As things broke up, there was an absolutely gorgeous complete rainbow. I'm dreading the day when it's 90*, and I have no doubt that's going to happen at some point this summer. We can't keep getting this lucky!!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Knee pain.

Event comments:

The RD did a survey of racers after the 1st race and got a food truck by popular request. Pretty much everybody, racers and family/friends, bought food, so hopefully they'll be able to keep getting a food truck to come. The organizer and RD are great, and it's neat to be recognized by the volunteers and meet some of the other racers, even if they do beat me.

Last updated: 2015-04-19 12:00 AM
00:39:33 | 03.9 miles | 10m 08s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 22/26
Performance: Average
Course: Modified high school XC course around Broomfield Open Space Park. Flat and fast with just a couple little hills. Across a soccer field to a cinder path, barely recognizable dirt "path" along the edge of a field, onto concrete and cinder path while going around a pond, back onto the dirt path, cinder path, then back across the soccer field.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4