Eugene Marathon - Run

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Eugene, Oregon
United States
Eugene Marathon
42F / 6C
Total Time = 4h 46m 52s
Overall Rank = 1321/1667
Age Group = M45-49
Age Group Rank = 104/116
Pre-race routine:

Up at 3:45 for a 7:00 AM start. Breakfast of: blueberry bagel with strawberry jam, banana, 1/2 cup oatmeal with brown sugar, 2 waffles with strawberry jam. Started on orange gatorade and black coffee.
Event warmup:

None. I'm so slow a warm up seems pointless.
  • 4h 46m 52s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 10m 57s  min/mile

Went out at what I felt was a very easy pace. HR was hanging around 125, and I felt very good. The plan was take the first 4 miles very easy and slowly start picking up the pace. Based on my splits I was managing this fairly well, as my second 5 k was slightly faster than the first.

My fuel and hydration plan was really pretty simple. I was aiming for a gel every 40 minutes, and at 10 minute miles this put me at an aid station roughly every 2 miles. So, gatorade at the first station, gel and water at the second. I planned to alternate this way the entire race. The course only offered gels at miles 9 and 17, so i packed 4 of my own by safety pinning them to the band of my shorts. I also took a half a banana at the two stations that offered bananas.

I slowed slightly between 10k and the halfway point, but not significantly. I was able to stay pretty strong through mile 18 before I started feeling the fade happening. My left knee started to bother me a bit around this point as well.

By mile 20 I was bargaining with myself. Run 10 minutes, and reward myself with 2 minutes of walking. A few small hills forced me to walk a bit more often though. I spent a fair amount of time walking though the last 10k.

This was not a fuel issue so much as it was a fitness issue. My legs were just giving up.
What would you do differently?:

My fuel plan was pretty much spot on I think. I have no plans to change this in the future.
Post race
Warm down:

I shuffled my way across the finish line and through the que to medals, and finisher bags full of food. Met up with my beautiful wife and layed down with my feet up for a few. I made my way over and got ice on both knees before heading over for pancakes, and beer.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

My training was nowhere near sufficient to meet my goals. I missed a full 10 days due to knee pain, and life just seemed to happen a lot on weekends causing me to miss many long runs, including both of my 20 milers. The longest I ran was 16 miles.

Given my limited training I was happy to make it to the finish, and slightly beat my previously even more aweful PR.

Event comments:

Eugene calls itself Track Town, USA and I think this community takes a lot of pride in putting on world class running events. I have done 2 Ironman events, as well as Escape From Alcatraz and the organization of this event rivals those.

If you're looking for a world class marathon on a beautiful course head to Eugene.

Last updated: 2016-02-07 12:00 AM
04:46:52 | 26.2 miles | 10m 57s  min/mile
Age Group: 104/116
Overall: 116/1667
Performance: Below average
5k 31:04 10k 1:01:41 half 2:14:02 20 mile 3:27:16
Course: Pretty much flat. There were a fill small hills the first 7 miles or so.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5