Comments: Easy enough, but a little slow in this field. Transition 1
Comments: Speedy, like usual. 20/181 Bike
Comments: Speedy, in aero, comfortable Transition 2
Comments: 35/181. Speedy enough. I was late getting out of my shoes for the sharp turn downhill, and didn't dismount while rolling. Run
Comments: Easy, I could have pushed two or three minutes faster. Post race
Warm down: Snacks, posing for pics with Reese and Olive the dog. Here are the results. Event comments: This is a fun, well produced race. Last updated: 2018-06-17 12:00 AM
United States
City of Carlsbad
65F / 18C
Overall Rank = 33/181
Age Group = M55-59
Age Group Rank = 3/6
Up early for the two hours to the beach. Signed in, racked, watched the wave before Reese get blown apart and back to shore.
Just a trot back to transition to get rid of the wetsuit.