Comments: Speed training What would you do differently?: Push myself more. Transition 1
Comments: Put on shoes then ran, surprised by the feeling of getting out of the water and running 200m to the bike, felt breathless... --' What would you do differently?: Training running coming out of the water! Bike
Comments: Could have pushed way more, practice sudden outburst of speed and then keep race pace after... Transition 2
Comments: Went smoothly, brick wo were a GREAT idea ! Run
Comments: Beat PR...! Finished feeling strong, couldn't see the finish line (2x90° turns!!!) so final dash was a bit jinxed... Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster: Fear of running out of energy Event comments: Perfect for 1st timers or as a big training day. Non-drafting rule not really respected by all the athletes... Last updated: 2018-09-07 12:00 AM
21.7C / 71F
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = W16-34
Age Group Rank = 68/122