![]() Run
Comments: It was cloudy and foggy and that made me feel concerned since I've trained in totally different conditions. Planned on a 9:10 minute mile to start the first 5k but that didn't work since my HR was climbing to low Z4 already at 9:25 pace so I just held on to that pace until 5k was completed. After that I upped the pace to 9:10-9:15 minute miles and my HR went up close to threshold but was manageable. A runner I called Mr. Orange was just ahead of me and got some distance but the rubberband I attached to him never snapped. I actually passed him earlier but he repassed me shortly after. Felt a left side cramp starting to form so I eased my pace just enough to make it go away and it worked, whew! Stayed at this pace until mile 6 and upped my pace a bit to sub threshold pace sub 9:00 minutes miles. Mr. Orange got some distance but I noticed his form falling apart and his pace started to fall off and I passed him at mile 8. By mile 10 I could tell things started getting a bit rough. My quads were starting to cramp a bit and worsened as time went on but not enough to make me give up but only slow down a bit. I looked at my virtual pacer and saw that I was still on pace to finish sub 2. As mile 10 progressed onwards my legs and feet were starting to hurt and my HR was at threshold. My breathing was hard but controlled and my pace a bit slower. By mile 11.5-12 it was time to pull the trigger and go for a strong finish. No falling down, no puking, and I finished in 1:59:21, woohoo! After walking for several minutes I returned to the start line to get my finisher medal only to learn I won 2nd place overall and age group, woohoo!!! What would you do differently?: Nothing. ![]() Post race
Warm down: Walked around, stretched, and took lotsa pics. What limited your ability to perform faster: Fog and humidity. Event comments: Nice low key race on an open course. Not too many bikers around allowed me to run tangents. :) Despite my successes achieved at this race I think I have to let this be my last half marathon (especially full marathon) due to how much damage this type of race distance inflicts on my feet. Hours after the race I noticed some bad black blisters on several toes and the nail in my toe next to my right pinky toe looks like it's about to fall off the the same foot's big toe after Ironman 70.3 Santa Cruz, ugh... It may be possible my new shoes are too narrow to 1/2 size too small since they're 9.5s now vs size 10s used at and before IMAZ 2019? ;) Last updated: 2024-11-25 12:00 AM
United States
A Better World Running
54F / 12C
Overall Rank = 2/17
Age Group = 50-54
Age Group Rank = 2/4
Woke up shortly after 5am and got up at around 5:20am. Made a toastie with almond butter and ate it while preparing hydration bottles for the race. Chased it with Trader Joe's applesauce. Got dressed and applied 2 layers of NewSkin around all problem areas (left big toe and ball and middle toes on both feet). Generously applied SportSlick and spray some TriSlide as backup. Next time I need to put more NewSkin between left big toe and ball. Put shoes on, arm warmers and packed up rest of gear and left for the race venue at shortly after 6am.
Arrived and parked at 6:45am. Found out bathroom near run start was still closed so I walked to Bayshore OWS swim practice normal start area and luckily the mens room was open, whew! Took a big dump and cleaned up and made my way back to the starting line to get my bib.
Got bib and strapped in onto my race belt at 7:20 and did an ~8 minute warmup jog. Seeded myself a bit towards the back to force me not to start to quickly. There must have been about 60-70 athletes?