Comments: Went out taking this as a training run. It rained steadily all run, but wasn't bad until about mile 11 or so when I started to feel just WET. Kept an easy pace, never let my RPE get out of hand at all. Around mile 4 was feeling REALLY bad (the Clif shot before the race didn't settle well with the hangover I had going) and I got sick. That didn't seem to hurt my time too much though, if you can believe it - felt much better afterwards. At about 7-8 miles, I realized that I had a shot at a PR, so I decided to try just a little. At 10 miles, I had to turn in just a decent 5k time to PR, so I decided to try a little more, even. Then, went all out after mile 11. According to the Garmin, my average pace for 3 mile splits got faster by .2 mph every 3 miles. Not too shabby! What would you do differently?: Without meaning to, I managed this race pretty well. Because I was expecting something over 2 hours, I just ran at a nice, relaxed pace, not worrying at all about times. I don't know that I'd do anything differently. Post race
Warm down: Waited for everyone to cross the finish line, changed into some dry clothes, took a picture (which I need to figure out how to upload) and then went our separate ways since it was too cold and miserable outside to be standing around. What limited your ability to perform faster: Maybe the rain, but I don't think so. This race was much better than I expected it to be. Event comments: Nice local race. The mile markers didn't start until 4 miles, and then were a little short, I think. The last .1 of a mile was really more like .3. It all came out to 13.1 miles, but it was a little misleading earlier in the race when my pace looked to be beyond what I thought I was doing. In the end, this was a great race for me. I didn't want to do it, but caved to peer pressure and showed up. And so, thanks to those BT'ers I got myself a new PR by about 2 minutes. Whodda thunk it. :) Oh, and apparently 4 days of drinking and no sleep makes for a good training program. :) Last updated: 2006-09-10 12:00 AM
United States
57F / 14C
Overall Rank = 147/269
Age Group = F35-39
Age Group Rank = 12/33
Four days in Vegas doing nothing but drinking, not sleeping and not really abiding by good nutritional theory, either. :) Met up with CindyK, MarkK, Hangloose, and Schmize before the race, spent some time chit-chatting. Had a Clif Bar about 2 hours before, and a Clif Shot about 30 minutes before.
None. I was doing this as a training run, so I figured the first couple miles would be my warm-up.