Virginia Run Turkey Trot 5K & Fun Walk - Run5k

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Centreville, Virginia
United States
43F / 6C
Total Time = 35m 14s
Overall Rank = 787/1021
Age Group = F 25-29
Age Group Rank = 249/299
Pre-race routine:

Same as last time, but without all the alarm clock drama. ;) Woke up around 6am and started in on the Gatorade. Was feeling pretty sick to my stomach and sloshy, so ate some honey and ginger to calm it down. That made me feel even worse, so I stuck to plain water after that. Packed up some extra stuff (gloves, hat, jacket) in case it started raining and headed out for the event site.
Event warmup:

Does wandering around looking for the start count? There were so many people, I was overwhelmed. I didn't want my husband to leave my side, and I was pretty terrified. I didn't walk, didn't jog, and didn't even stretch. I felt like I belonged somewhere in bed. I also felt like eating ginger honey was a very bad idea.
  • 35m 14s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 11m 20s  min/mile

This was a completely different animal than the Goblin Gallop. There were almost 3000 people, and no packs or anything. Just one huge throng, making its way down the street. Small children flitted around, stopping suddenly, then dashing across the street. The hills were gentle, so I'd actually call the course pretty flat. I paced off of this man and his young son. He was great, constantly cheering his little boy on, it was outstanding to see. And they were going a nice easy pace. I left them behind with about a half mile to go and really kicked it up. I realized I might not make my PR, and I really wanted to beat it, so I hauled butt the last .6 mile.

Maybe it was the weather, maybe it was the anxiety, maybe it was something I couldn't put my finger on, but this race wasn't as charged. I was racing easier, that's for sure. I barely noticed the mile markers, and hardly felt like I was working at all. And therein lies the problem. I wasn't racing at all. I was just having a training run with a few thousand other people. Still, passing all those scads of people in my final charge sure was a lot of fun. I felt like a real runner. Plus, I was going so fast (or maybe it was so crowded? ;)) that my husband only got one picture of the whole thing.
What would you do differently?:

Raced harder, through and through. I didn't put in a good effort at the beginning, and had lots left at the end. I just plain paced myself too slow. I was terrified of blowing up and not being able to finish, so I held back. Next time I should just try and see what happens.
Post race
Warm down:

Spent 30 minutes shivering, looking for my husband, who I lost in the crowd. Found him, ate a Clif bar, got in the car, got in an ice bath, and enjoyed the rest of my Thanksgiving.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Not knowing myself yet. This was only my second race, and my first where I had a time goal that I was trying to beat. I still don't know how to actually race yet.

Event comments:

Ugly tshirt. Other than that, a great race.

Last updated: 2006-09-14 12:00 AM
00:35:14 | 03.11 miles | 11m 20s  min/mile
Age Group: 249/299
Overall: 787/1021
Performance: Average
Course: Mostly an out and back. It headed out on the main street, then had three right turns to bring us back to the main street again. Not spectator friendly at all, unless you happened to live along the course.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Below average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3