Sportspectrum Turkey Trot Trail Run - Run5k

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Shreveport, Louisiana
United States
45F / 7C
Total Time = 37m 13s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Woke up and got the turkey basted and prepared to go into the oven. 15 lb turkey for 7 people. Grabbed some coffee and something for breakfast, I can't remember what now. Drove to the race site with 45 minutes to spare.
Event warmup:

None, just stood around and visited with folks. Lots of runners were running along the paved paths and several had already done their 5 miles or more etc. You could already smell the jambalaya cooking!
  • 37m 13s
  • 3.32 miles
  • 11m 13s  min/mile

This was not a timed event. The first prize was a fried turkey for the first place finisher. The aim of this run was just to have fun and do something for Thanksgiving morning. They staggered the run, allowing those who were competing for the turkey to go first, then allowing runners per pace. I ran with Jamie and Beverley and thank goodness I did. They run at a much faster pace than I do, but running with them kept me true to running at a good pace. We actually lined up with the 8 min/mile pace group....not that I run that pace, but we looked around and knew that those lining up there definitely didn't look like runners. And as I was educated that morning, trail running is not like road running and boy did I get a lesson!!

We took off and kept a blistering 10 min/mile pace (hey, I'm slow!) while out on the paved path. Then we hit that famous bottleneck at the trailhead. I stayed behind Jamie and Beverly took the lead. We ran well together in a single line. Jamie was so funny, she's a cyclist and kept pointing out roots and dips etc. Sometimes it was a bit distracting, but it was fun. It was almost like running in a paceline and I acted like it! Had several people passing us on the trail (which was not the safest thing to do while people are actually running on the trail and not standing off to the side). I would call out as they came up behind me and they would pass it along. Jamie, Beverly and I are cycling friends, so we were the only ones calling out, "Coming on your left!" The others were runners and probably thought we were nuts!

We were in the right pace group because we had several people standing off to the side of the trail who had gone out too fast.

I did roll my ankle twice, but luckily no real damage. Once I caught my left foot on a dangling root and almost made a face plant, but caught myself while almost fall though, a bit scary, but fun all the same!

Finally there was the finishline! It was supposed to be a 3 mile run and I had my Garmin on and well, it read 3 miles 0.32 miles ago!!!! So I came out with 3.32 miles. I don't know if that's accurate, but I'm going with that distance as there were no mile markers after mile 1 and the Garmin was right on the dot with that distance.

I sprinted to the finish and for the first time, got to experience that lovely feeling of running a bit too fast and started dry heaving after crossing the finish. Had to run to the side of the parking lot, by the grass just in case I had to throw up. Luckily I didn't, but I definitely found my max HR, or damn near close to it.

I was actually smiling (okay, on the inside!) because someone told me once that you haven't run your best until you cross the finishline and throw up. Okay, maybe he wasn't going by expert research, but heck, it sadistically like running should be!
What would you do differently?:

Well, run more trails. I never knew how different running on trails would be compared to road running. My HR was up the entire time even though the pace was slow. I should try more trail running.
Post race
Warm down:

Besides almost throwing up? :) Just got some diet pepsi, a couple of bites of jambalaya and visited with more folks, wishing everyone happy Thanksgiving and then went home to get the rest of my Thanksgiving dinner done for my family.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Gosh, other than not knowing what a trail run is, I think I did fairly well.

Event comments:

It was a great race! The weather was beautiful and we had been dry for at least a week or more, so the trails were not muddy or wet. Completely dry and made it easy for a newbie like me. I enjoyed being out there on Thanksgiving day with my friends before the mad rush of Thanksgiving dinner with the family. I'm glad I did it. It will be a new Thanksgiving morning tradition for me!

Last updated: 2006-11-05 12:00 AM
00:37:13 | 03.32 miles | 11m 13s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Course: This was a trail run. Started out through the parking lot of the boat launch area, up onto the walking/running path and then you entered the trailhead. Through the wooded trails. Very winding and several hills, but mostly flat. Definitely a trail run! Ran through the woods and then out by the river and back out onto the parking lot and through the finish
Keeping cool Good Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5