Comments: I wasn't wearing my footpod, so I didn't know my pace. Came out strong and just tried to get my HR over 170 since I know thats just above my LT and can maintain that for awhile. Picked a few people off throughout the run. Never felt winded and was looking forward to the bike portion. What would you do differently?: Nothing, went exactly as planned. Transition 1
Comments: One of the first into T1, since the triathletes started 5 mins after the du's and relay racers. Found my bike quickly, swapped shoes, grabbed helmet and jogged out. What would you do differently?: Nothing, went well. Bike
Comments: First bike race on pavement. Surprised at my pace and passed lots of people. HR stayed in the high 160s which was comfortable. Calves started to cramp at the end of the 2nd lap but I found if I cranked harder with my heels down, it helped. Ran out of water on the 3rd lap after I ate a gel. Felt strong to the finish, cramps slowed me down enough to have plenty of energy for the last run. What would you do differently?: Take more water, prevent leg cramps somehow. Get a road bike! Transition 2
Comments: Quick transition, lace locks helped a lot. What would you do differently?: Nothing. Run
Comments: Legs were badly cramped coming off the bike. Hobbled/shuffled for the first 1/2 mile until things straightened out a little. Picked up the pace and passed 3-4 more people. What would you do differently?: Could've pushed harder but leg cramps slowed me up. Post race
Warm down: Walked around, had a small bagel, water. Watched the tri people finish in the pool. Packed up my stuff and headed home to help with the t-day dinner setup. What limited your ability to perform faster: Leg cramps! I could've really pushed in the bike and 2nd run, but couldn't. My training leading up to this race was right on, didn't get discouraged throughout the race. Just need to work on nutrition and water for these longer races. My usual races are 5-10k length runs. Event comments: Fun race, good venue, well organized. Volunteers were a little sparce and I saw some du people get confused on the 2nd run course. Plus lots of people milling around TA, blocking racers going to the pool or 2nd run. Didn't see the awards, but sounds like they had some good loot. Last updated: 2006-11-10 12:00 AM
United States
65F / 18C
Overall Rank = 6/33
Age Group = M30-34
Age Group Rank = 3/4
Got up at 4:45, ate a bagel and some water. Drove the 30 miles to the race site by 6:15 to set up in the TA. Didn't feel too out of place with my MTB as there were quite a few others.
Jogged about 1/2 mile, stretched afterwards. Race was about 20-30 min behind schedule, waiting for the youth tri to finish. Tried to stay warm in the sun.