11th Annual Pacific Shoreline - Half Marathon - RunHalf Marathon

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Huntington Beach, California
United States
Pacific Shoreline Marathon
65F / 18C
Total Time = 2h 04m 49s
Overall Rank = 2834/7386
Age Group = M40-44
Age Group Rank = 305/500
Pre-race routine:

Get up at 0 dark thirty, drive to Huntington Beach High School, potty stop at McDonalds, sit on a wandering shuttle bus as the driver tries to figure out how to get the 2 miles to the HB Pier, meet up with WaterDog/Tim, another loo stop, join the maddening crowd.
Event warmup:

None really. It's 13.1 miles at like a 10 minute pace.
  • 2h 04m 49s
  • 13.2 miles
  • 09m 28s  min/mile

Warning - long report follows:

Summary of my running progression to date:
In 2005 on Superbowl Sunday I ran my first ever 5K at a 9:37 pace. About killed me
In 2006 on Superbowl Sunday I ran my first ever 10K at a 9:37 pace. About killed me
In 2007 I on Superbowl Sunday I ran my second half marathon at a 9:32 pace (9:28 per Garmin, but who's counting... besides me). Didn't kill me.

This race was supposed to be my official first half marathon in prep for the California HIM. I accelerated the schedule and actually ran my first in December with several friends, just as a training run. Ran 2:11. This was supposed to be more of a "race," but Mike Ricci suggested that I ride before do I know what it's like to do it on tired legs.

Saturday was the packet pickup, so I drove down, parked in some randon HB neighborhood, then rode 60 miles along PCH and the Santa Ana River Trial. While most of the ride was chill, I did work about 20 miles of the ride, just to make sure the legs got good and tired. I was successful :) It was a very boring ride scenery wise, as well as company wise, since it was all on me. More good HIM training.

Showed up for the race Sunday morning, it was the first race where none of my regular training partners, or my wife, was there. The only person I knew, WaterDog, was going to run sub 8 minute miles, I knew I wouldn't see him on the course other than the turnaround. This race was just me. No iPod, no running buddies. All on me.

My tactic, as before, was go easy for a period of miles to be determined... probably 8, then pick it up for 2, then hammer the 5K. Miles 1-5. I went out about 9:25 pace. I wasn't sure I could keep this up for 13.1, but I felt all right, I concentrated on the statuesque blond running the same pace about 100 yards in front of me. A visual iPod, if you will :)

I also passed a woman with a sign pinned to her back that said "I just turned 80". Wished her a happy birthday as I passed.

Goal was to keep the HR around 155 for this period. I watched as a number of people passed me, including a guy in a brown tri top. I was passing as well, but we never seem to notice those people as much, eh? My average for the race was 163, high was 180. Clearly, I think I can work harder than this.

About mile 5, I started slowing a bit. There were no hills, per se, but it wasn't exactly table top flat. I thought the turnaround was all the way down at Warner Ave., so I concentrated on the Jack in the Box sign at the corner. Happily, the turn around was a bit sooner.

Soon after the turn around there were a couple hills. Again, not big ones, but enough to shoot the heart rate up, at this point I couldn't get it back below 160. I resigned myself to leaving it there. I know I can run 7 miles at a 160 rate. No big deal.

We ran back into the neighborhood, in miles 7-10, and this was the best part of the race other than the finish. There were lots of crowds, very loud, and the water stations were huge and loud and brimming with people. Lots of energy just where you need it. My favorite was the line of kids in the middle of the road with both arms out giving high (middle?) 5s to runners on either side. My splits were lowest miles 7-10 due to the hills.

At 10 miles, starting to come downhill, is when I decided to pick it up. This was my first race with the Garmin Forerunner. I had it set to auto lap every mile. This was a great training tool as it gave me an audible signal and lap pace at the mile markers. It really helped me gauge my progress, and I wasn't dependent on race organizers for the marker. Especially since the 11 mile marker was about a 1/2 mile off.

From mile 11 on I just kept reminding myself that I only had to go a few more minutes, and it would be over, this didn't last forever. I felt like I was running strong. I was passing a lot of people. The only people passing me at this point were the really strong looking runners. Soon enough, I came up on a guy struggling, wearing a brown tri top. Sweet revenge! :)

My goal going in was 2:05. I wasn't sure if I could make it, but I did my damndest to make miles 12 and 13 the fastest of the day. Crossed the line, Garmin said 2:04:52 (official time 2:04:49). Don't get much closer than that.

What would you do differently?:

I really can't complain. I'd like to go sub 2:00 someday, but I am not there yet. Losing weight will go a long way towards that goal.
Post race
Warm down:

continue walking. It was hard because my feet hurt, but I made myself walk as much as possible. Walked down to the ocean and put my legs in some cold water for a while.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

1. Need more base
2. Lose more weight

Event comments:

this was my first year doing the race. there were some organizational issues, but I certainly can't complain, gorgeous scenery, great venue, and huge expo.

Last updated: 2006-11-22 12:00 AM
02:04:49 | 13.2 miles | 09m 28s  min/mile
Age Group: 305/500
Overall: 1739/7386
Performance: Good
1- 9:22, 2- 9:24, 3- 9:29, 4- 9:28, 5- 9:34, 6- 9:33, 7- 9:41, 8- 9:48, 9- 9:53, 10- 9:26, 11- 9:26, 12- 9:08, 13- 9:11, .1- 1:23 Ave HR - 163, Max - 180
Course: Out and back along PCH with short jaunt into a neighborhood
Keeping cool Good Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4