Comments: Gun went off and away I went - I hung back to the left of the pack and did a poor job of sighting - I did the HRTC pre-race swim and felt good, ubt got bad info as the bouys were in different positions from the practice. Only got bumped a few times - the wetsuit helped tremendously as I am not a strong swimmer. When the wind shifted and we swam into the waves with the wind from the west I felt a little beat up, but I did OK. My worst part was navigating. What would you do differently?: Practice open water swimming more often and race the race - not blindly following someone else as I tried to do this time. Transition 1
Comments: Good T1 - I needed a minute to get my legs under me coming out of the water as I stumbled up the ramp. What would you do differently?: Practice transitioning better, I was really not sure footed coming out of the water. Bike
Comments: It was a tough slog into the wind and not what I expected - the forecast called for the wind out of the east, not the west! Goes to show you - never trust a forecaster on raceday. Got passed on the first 14 miles a lot, but made up for it once I had the wind. Kept good and aero tuck - my back is paying for it this week! What would you do differently?: Check my electronics in transition - my speeometer magnet fell off in T1 and I had a hard go without being able to judge my speed. Transition 2
Comments: Had some difficulty getting my socks on after the bike - feet were dry, just noticed that I had put a pebble into my left heel and it hurt like the dickens. I was so hyped up after a good bike though that I barely noticed it until later. What would you do differently?: Make sure there are no gu packets in my shoes. Yeah - that could have been messy. Run
Comments: I thought I was cramping until I noticed the pink blotch out of my left shoe. Not good, but not that bad. I wrapped my headsweat around it and kept going. That pebble did more damage than I thought. I could not get up to pace and ended up brgaining with my self to just make it to this stop sign, or that aid station. Still - no bad cramps - I had put the mileage in, was just hurting. What would you do differently?: Do more bricks. Post race
Warm down: Walked around - kissed my wife - saw my friend Chris and stretched a little. What limited your ability to perform faster: Bad navigation on the swim and an ugly run performance. Ultimately need to lose more lb's and that will help all the way around. Event comments: Overall a great race on a great venue. Plenty of volunteers and lots of support. Last updated: 2006-11-29 12:00 AM
United States
74F / 23C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = Clyde
Age Group Rank = 26/30
Arose, ate small cup of oatmeal and a banana - loaded up car and made my way to the site.
No real warmup - stretched, jogged around - lots of nervous energy