Spirit of Racine Half Ironman Triathlon - Triathlon1/2 Ironman

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Racine, Wisconsin
United States
HFP Racing
79F / 26C
Total Time = 5h 34m 28s
Overall Rank = 604/1256
Age Group = 30-34
Age Group Rank = 70/113
Pre-race routine:

Up at 4:30, ensure, bagel w/ pb. Drank a bottle of Perp on the way to Racine.
Event warmup:

Walk a mile down the beach to the swim start.
  • 36m 53s
  • 2112 yards
  • 01m 45s / 100 yards

Felt a bit woozy about 2/3 way through. Did breast stroke for about a minute and even dry heaved a bit. Wasn't from taking on lake water. Need to figure this out before IMMOO.

Went to take my swim cap off when I got out of the water and found that it had fallen off at some point.

The run up the beach is looooooong at this event. Takes quite a bit of energy but it's fun as there are tons of spectators cheering you on.
What would you do differently?:

Transition 1
  • 02m 21s

Felt slow as the last two raced I've done I didn't mess with socks. Sitting down to put them on felt like it took forever. Could have pushed through here faster but was in the mindset of be quick but stay relaxed.
  • 2h 37m 29s
  • 56 miles
  • 21.34 mile/hr

Holy traffic batman. A couple times I had a ref motorcycle riding next to me for a few minutes writing down numbers, I assume for drafting and center line violations. I bet there are lots of people pissed off that they were penalied as the bike course was so crowded that there were quite a few packs. I just backed off and waited for the packs to clear before picking up the pace again.
What would you do differently?:

I backed off on my effort here to save some legs for the run. Both my bike and run splits were faster than last year, but wonder if I should have backed off even more on the bike.
Transition 2
  • 01m 46s

First when I couldn't find my rack spot my mom yelled from outside transition that I was in the wrong row. Went to the next row and found I had been in the right row. I racked my bike and the rack fell apart. When volunteers got there to put it back up I was able to let go of the rack and get on with my transition...

Found out after the race that a helicopter had hovered over transition when pretty much everyone was out on the bike. It blew peoples gear all over the place. Luckily my shoes, hat, and number belt were still all in my transition spot.
What would you do differently?:

Not listen to my mom when in transition.
  • 2h 15m 59s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 10m 23s  min/mile

Getting better here but still have a long way to improve my run. Stopped to pee at the portapotty just out of transition. First half I battled stomache cramps. They came on pretty soon after T2 but otherwise felt good. They would go away when I walked the aid stations (which I did for every one) and come back after about a minute of running. I backed off a bit on the last 3.5 miles when I could have pushed it. Today was a "long training day" for IMWI so I didn't want to take myself out of commission for this weeks workouts. I think I could have gone about 5 minutes faster but would have paid the price with a longer recovery time.
What would you do differently?:

If this was an A race I would have pushed harder and tried to endure the pain. As a tune up for IMWI I think I was about where I should be.
Post race
Warm down:

Endurox, water, walk.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Still have a ways to go improving my 1) focus in the water 2) run fitness.

Event comments:

Pre race: 4:45 a.m. Ensure, wheat bagel w/pb
5-6:30: Bottle Perpetuem
Bike: two bottles Perp, 9 fig newtons, 8 Endurolytes, 1 Hammer Gel at mile 53
Run: Hammer gel at miles 3, 7, and 10, Endurolytes at mile 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.
After: Recoverite.

All of my gripes for the swim start were more than fixed this year. Really well organized start with good PA took all the guessing and confusion out of it. Well stocked and staffed aid stations on both the bike and run. Post race food was weak with PBJ, fruit, and drinks. Would have loved a big plate of pasta like they had last year. Don't know if I waited too long to go to the food tent or if they just didn't have pasta this year.

Perfect weather for race day. High was 79 degrees so felt warm on the run but not hot. So satisfying to see the training pay off with a 23+ minute improvement from last year which put me just into the top 50% of finishers.

Last updated: 2006-12-14 12:00 AM
00:36:53 | 2112 yards | 01m 45s / 100yards
Age Group: 0/113
Overall: 315/1256
Performance: Average
Avg HR: 166 Max HR: 189 (this must have been the run to T2)
Suit: Orca Full
Course: .1 mile out, one mile parallel to beach, .1 mile in.
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current: Medium
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Below average
Waves: Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 02:21
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Yes Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Good
02:37:29 | 56 miles | 21.34 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/113
Overall: 374/1256
Performance: Good
Avg HR: 162 Maz HR: 188 HR was around 180 coming out of T1 and I focused on bringing it down to 160 where I hovered for most of the bike.
Wind: Little
Course: Rural roads and highways. Mostly straight roads with a couple rollers.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 01:46
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes Good
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Below average
Shoe and helmet removal Good
02:15:59 | 13.1 miles | 10m 23s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/113
Overall: 885/1256
Performance: Below average
Lap 1: Avg HR: 175 Max HR: 186 time: 1:04:45 Lap 2 Avg HR: 173 Max HR: 190 time: 1:11:14 (maybe I backed off too much the second loop???)
Course: Out and back twice past/through the Racine zoo. A couple hills but not major.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3