Med-City Half Marathon - RunHalf Marathon

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Rochester, Minnesota
United States
Med-City Marathon
Total Time = 1h 38m 17s
Overall Rank = 36/413
Age Group = M 30-39
Age Group Rank = 11/59
Pre-race routine:

First half marathon! Guaranteed PR. Stayed overnight close to the race. Out with a few friends and in bed by 12:45 after maybe 4 drinks scattered throughout the evening, no big deal. Not quite so comfortable a night for those not racing . Up about 5:45 for the 7 am start. At race about 6:20. Grabbed banana and water.
Event warmup:

Stretched in the gym at the school by the start. Could tell it was going to be a beautiful day, but it was just on the cold side of comfortable at this hour and a bit breezy, so did not run at all for warmup. Wouldn't have been the worst idea to run a bit, but I don't think it affected me much.

  • 1h 38m 17s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 07m 30s  min/mile

I have never been a runner, per se, so this was really the first test of dedicating myself to improving my running late last year. I felt prepared for this race. I've been a bit lazy in the last week or so, but I thought I had built a decent base over the winter, and it showed. I wanted to run a 1:45 so I could have the option to go off in first wave in Twin Cities Marathon this fall, anything better than that was really gravy.
What would you do differently?:

Not much.
Post race
Warm down:

Half a bagel, stretch, water, walk around a bit and made it back home to take a cold bath and warm shower and still make late church.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Could have started quite a bit closer to the front of the pack. Did a decent amount of weaving / running on curbs in the first half mile or so, but it cleared up pretty quick. Don't think I could have paced much better. May actually have run slower if I had known a split time before mile 4.

Event comments:

Props to my boy Clint. He is a pretty established runner, but doesn't have the mileage in this year to be ready for this (needs to build slow after winter basketball due to knee issues), but he still supported me by: finding a place to stay close to the race, bringing me to the start despite yakking in the middle of the night after a few too many beverages, and managing to catch me 3 times throughout the course to cheer and get pics.

Last updated: 2007-01-15 12:00 AM
01:38:17 | 13.1 miles | 07m 30s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/59
Overall: 0/413
Performance: Good
Didn't see a mile marker until mile 4 (doesn't mean there wasn't one, just didn't see any). Through 4 miles: 30.13, then every mile then on: 7.39, 7.26, 7.35, 7.26, 7.30, 7.31, 7.29, 7.22, 7.23.
Course: Actually quite a lot of up-down, much more so than it seemed when I drove it. I live in a place where I can't leave the house without running hills, so it didn't bother me much. I could really tell which people had spent time on hills and which hadn't.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4