ING Georgia Marathon - RunMarathon

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Atlanta, Georgia
United States
The ING Georgia Marathon & Half Marathon
80F / 27C
Total Time = 3h 29m 37s
Overall Rank = 211/
Age Group = m30-39
Age Group Rank = 70/
Pre-race routine:

Got up and drove down to the race site. Came in from west Atlanta, up some backroads, and had no problem whatsoever with parking. Got a great spot, parked, and did some pre race prep. Adjusted race number etc. At this point, it was around 1 hour until race time. Packed my grear bag and headed to the gear check trucks. Used the restroom, then headed to the start. Got to the start and lined up at the front. Amazingly enough, I was able to line up near the front. No issues with that at all. Timing was perfect. At 6:20, I slammed a boost, then waited until the start. I sat on the ground and kind of just thought about the race ahead of me, and soaked in the atmosphere. I loved that it was still dark. That adds to the mystique of the Marathon. ING has these large white balloons with lighting in them that lit the area Amazingly well. Awesome idea.
Event warmup:

None. Stretched, L loosened my shoulder blades up with her knees, and I streched just a little.
  • 3h 29m 37s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 08m  min/mile

Race started off great, my goal for this race was a 3:35. I always re-evaluate goals on race day, and once the race starts, but today, there was no change. I knew going for anything else was not wise, due to the heat, and for me, relatively insufficient training. I mean I trained, just not to BQ, which was the only other real option.

Miles 1-6.
Got off to a fast start, splits were in the low to mid 7's. I hit the 10k split at 45:58. I felt really good. Was not drinking enough, but expected to resolve that in the upcoming miles, Problem was, there were missing waterstops. That hurt, but not in a huge way. I did my 22 mile long run on 3/4ths bottle of water just three weeks earlier, but not in this heat. Anyway, the course was excellent to this point.

Miles 6 - 13.1
I had stomach issues at mile 8, and lost 1 min 45 seconds in a porta john. Once I hit the road again, I had goals to re-establish my original place. I hit the 13.1 mile mark at 1:39:17, which is one minute faster than I hit it in Chicago where I ran a 3:19. Still, I did not even entertain the idea of going for the BQ. With the heat really picking up, and a more difficult second half of the course, It was basic sense that it would not have been realistic to even attempt it.

Miles 13.1 - 20.
Not much to say here except that the course grew considerably more challenging. Still, I was running strong.

Miles 20 - 26.2
Ran through the highlands, and hit mile 22, where I really started to slow.. not dramatically, but relatively speaking. I passed the free "Cold Beer" stand and seriously entertained the idea of running back to it.. but I didn't. Ran through Piedmont Park which as it turns out, was so short I didn't even really remember doing it, but I do remember 10th street and the climb to Piedmont. I ran into more course support (H) at mile 24, and was both suprised, and happy to see her. Very greatfull for that as well. The course was pretty much uphill through 26 miles, and the final .2 were downhill.. but by that time, my legs were spent, and I was hot. No need to try to burst out any energy that I had already spent, so I essentially just did a "light jog" to the finish. Got my medal, and promptly dumped 2 bottles of water over my head.
What would you do differently?:

Well, I hate to say it, but I was undertrained for the event. My training was good, up through about a month before the race, then I got sick, and it fell off and never quite recovered. If I run this again, which is pretty certain, then I will train the course as well as be more consistant with my hill repeats. I did these, just not often enough leading up to the event.
Post race
Warm down:

walked, and walked, and drank water, and pretzals, and felt weak, and yadda yadda. I mean not much else to say here. How many people truly warm down?

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Not trained sufficiently for the course. Also, my mental game was much below where it normally is on race day. That helped trash me at Gulf Coast, but i overcame it here. Oh, the voices were telling me things like stop, walk, relax, slow down.. but I didn't listen. Maybe I just couldn't hear them, but that's another story.

Event comments:

I'm only going to give this an Average for now. I was worried about the water stops going into the race, and rightfully so. They did a horrid job on those. Record heat, or record cold, they were not well prepared in this area. The rest of the race was outstanding. Great course with amazing neighborhoods, excellent organization, and decent expo. I am sure each of these kinks will be dealt with next year. The bottom line, is that Atlanta finally has an awesome Marathon.

Last updated: 2007-02-15 12:00 AM
03:29:37 | 26.2 miles | 08m  min/mile
Age Group: 70/
Overall: 211/
Performance: Average
Course: Outstanding. This course rocked. Loved it. It was difficult, but there was enough to keep me interested the entire way. Hated the Freedom parkway section, but coincidentally enough, there was course support (A) out there which was a suprise, but very much appreciated. Neat, cause support can just switch from side A to side B with little effort required, but nearly two miles running distance. Anyway, favorite part was the Emory, North Druid section.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? No
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3