Canyonlands Half Marathon - RunHalf Marathon

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Moab, Utah
United States
Rim Rock Roadrunners
75F / 24C
Total Time = 1h 32m 9s
Overall Rank = 105/5000
Age Group = F20-24
Age Group Rank = 4/
Pre-race routine:

Four of us: Brett (Alpine87), his cousin Drew, Richard (DickDime) and I drove to Moab Friday afternoon. We drove the race course on the way in. It was nice to be able to mentally mark the major uphills and know what to expect the next morning. We got to town as the sun was setting - right around 8pm (it's nice that the daylight savings were pushed back this year!) The rocks and the canyon in the sunset light were gorgeours. The expo was open till 9, so we went and picked up our race packets (they gave us nice microfiber T-shirts and cool running hats - nice goody bag!)

The race had 5000 participants between 1/2 marathon and 5-mile runners. Moab was really busy between the 1/2 marathon and spring break crowd. Every restaurant was packed. We decided to get groceries and cook dinner at the condo instead. The condo turned out to be amazing (thanks, Brett!): 3 bedrooms, huge living room, hot tub, flat screen TV's, pool on property. I made yummy veggie spagetti and salad. To carbo load even better we added beers :) I hadn't been getting very good sleep last few days, so I went to bed around 10.
Event warmup:

Got up at 6:30. Had coffee, 1 plain bagel with earth balance, glass of OJ, a few glasses of water and half a bottle of gatorade. Took a bus to the start. We were there a little before 9. The race didn't start till 10. The time went by fast between the lines to the rest room and walking up half a mile to the start. I didn't do much of a warmup - a couple minutes of jogging and some jumping jacks. I had no idea how I was going to perform. I had less confidence than I did at NYC marathon. Even though my training wasn't superior for that race either it has been really inconsistent the last few weeks before the 1/2 mary. Plus I hadn't done anything over 10 miles in a while. I was afraid of simply bonking in the last few miles since I knew last 3 miles in town tend to be hot and windy. I figured, I'd just see what it feels like over the first few miles. Try to give it my best shot, but most importantly just enjoy this fun and beautiful race.
  • 1h 32m 9s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 07m 02s  min/mile

The first mile is steep downhill. I wanted to be conservative on it so that I don't blow up like in Basalt a year and a half ago, but I took off pretty fast. There was a volunteer at the 1st mile marker who yelled the splits at people as they ran by. As I approached her and heard "6:44 ... 6:45 ... 6:46..." I was like "Sh!t, that's too fast" My effort level was high, but it wasn't out of control, I just let my legs roll and used the gravity to my advantage. Second mile was a slight uphill, so my pace evened out.

I kept running at this high effort level as I the mile markers went by and kept thinking when am I going to blow up. I never felt really strong and confident like I did in NY. I clocked a 42:46 10K, which is better than my flat out 10K PR by over a minute. I though "That's kinda scary.. Well, at least I got one PR under my belt today, so even if I bonk, and crawl to finish, it's not all wasted" Then I hit 10 miles at 1:09:42, which is 4.5 minutes faster than the fastest 10 miler I'd ran before. "Wow, 2 PR's for today - awesome!"

I was really worried about my finish time then. I kept doing math in my head and how slow could I afford to go to still PR in the 1/2 mary as well. I knew we were about to run out of the canyon and that runners tend to bonk in town because it's hotter, windier and slightly uphill. Plus, I felt I didn't have that much left in me. My pace was slowing down - not much, but a few people passed me during mile 10, and more during mile 11.

I just tried to hang tough and mentally did not allow my body to fall apart and really slow down. Usually I don't have to do that in half marathon. It felt more like last few miles of a full marathon. I kept my focus on short-increment goals. I knew that we were supposed to make a right turn off the main street to the neighborhood, then after about 5 blocks turn left and go another 5 blocks, so I just kept counting those blocks.

Finally, I saw the finish line. It was still a few blocks away. I knew that I had PR in the bag even if I jogged to the finish, so I just wanted to finish strong. A couple people sprinted to the finish past me. I usually like sprinting to the finish, but this time I didn't have the energy for that. I was stoked when I crossed that finish line! Richard was waiting there for me :) He saw me finished and cheered for me (I didn't hear it - too spent I guess)
What would you do differently?:

Mmm... Maybe if I didn't go all out in the first few miles I'd finish a little stronger, but I doubt my average pace could be any higher than it was. I am glad I pushed it when I could!

If I had better training in the last couple months and better sleep in the last couple weeks, I know I could have done better, but as it is I am really happy with my performance and my time!
Post race
Warm down:

Drank a bunch of water, ate a few bananas and oranges, waited for Drew and Brett to finish, watched the awards. Then went to Pasta Jay's and pigged out as if we finished a half ironman and were working out for 6 hours or something instead of 1.5. Then went to the condo and partied in the hot tub, drank beers and watched the stars.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Inconsistent training

Event comments:

Definitely would come back! Moab "rocks"! I wish we could stay there for a few more days, rent some mountain bikes and bike, rent a jeep and go rock climbing... The race is very well organized and fun!

Last updated: 2007-03-18 12:00 AM
01:32:09 | 13.1 miles | 07m 02s  min/mile
Age Group: 4/
Overall: 105/5000
Performance: Good
mile splits: 6:46 6:55 6:55 7:04 6:55 6:49 6:56 6:57 7:05 7:21 7:17 7:10 7:17 0:46 10K @ 42:46 (PR by 1:15) 10M @ 1:09:42 (PR by over 4:00)
Course: Beautiful course on along the river in the canyon finishing in the town of Moab. This course is known to be a fast downhill course. In fact, net elevation drop is only about 50 or 60 feet over 13 miles. There are rolling hills for the first 10 miles in the canyon with the last 3 miles being mostly flat with slight uphill.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 5