Comments: This time is approximate - analog watch. Went off course once near the beginning. The first 200-300 yards was all warm up; didn't settle in until after the first buoy. Stayed to the outside & missed all the chaos. I sure missed my walls! What would you do differently?: I need to swim longer yardage and do more open water so I'm not so dependent on the break the walls give me. Transition 1
Comments: I didn't worry too much about transitions this race - just wanted to get through it. It seemed to go well, no hang-ups. Bike
Comments: Again, time is estimated as I forgot to stop my computer, but I'm sure it was under an hour. I was very happy with this, my weakest, leg. I wanted to go under an hour and I did. Can't complain. What would you do differently?: I need to ride more, especially hills. Forgot to eat my cereal bar and I got pretty hungry on the run. Transition 2
Comments: No problems here, either. I think it helps to be relaxed. What would you do differently?: I might pull my cycling shirt off, but I'm not sure how hard that would be, so I'll have to try it. Run
Comments: Felt pretty good - I walked the aid station at the turn-around, for 1:20 - but ran the rest. Nice steady pace, I passed a lot of people who ran faster, but had to walk more than I did. What would you do differently?: Carry a small bottle or a half-filled bottle to wet my throat. A cup at the start and a cup at the turn-around didn't quite do me. Post race
Warm down: Walked for 10-15 minutes, dunked in the lake to cool off. What limited your ability to perform faster: I wasn't really trying to go faster than I did - I really wanted to feel good at the end so I'll do more! Event comments: The only problem I had was entry into T2 - there was a guy with a flag just inside the gate and a woman just outside waving. I figured the guy with the flag was the dismount point, but the woman started shouting at me when I passed her (and I wasn't the only one!). A sign or some other signal would have prevented the need for shouting. Last updated: 2007-04-13 12:00 AM
United States
The Original TRI for FUN Triathlon #1
Overall Rank = 344/531
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 0/
Up at 4:30, drink ~12 oz water. Walk dogs (20-25 minutes, 1/2 mile stroll). Drink ~12 oz water. Eat breakfast: coffee and oatmeal. Get dressed, eat a breakfast bar, hop in car and drive about an hour to the event. Drink ~16 oz water in car.
Arrive 6:30 am. Unload car, hug mom, set up transition, get marked & stroll around checking out entrances/exits. Finalize race plan. Drink ~8 oz water until 8:00. Go to beach to watch waves start.
Some leg stretching and about 5 minutes of paddling around in the warm-up area prior to wave.